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14 search results for: Absorption
Why is calculating Absorption Rate so important for Equipment dealers?
Why is calculating Absorption Rate so important for Equipment dealers? Guest writer Tom Montgomery writes about absorption rates as a measurement tool in this week’s blog post, “Why is calculating Absorption Rate so important for Equipment dealers?” Absorption Rate Calculation has been a measurement tool used by equipment dealers since the 1960’s. It is still […]
What Impacts Dealer Absorption Rate?
What Impacts Dealer Absorption Rate? Our new guest writer, Walter McDonald, is President of The McDonald Group, Inc. Over the past 4 decades has developed and presented over 2,600 machinery dealer management workshops. He recently completed publication of his 10-volume Master’s Program in Dealer Management. “What Impacts Dealer Absorption Rate?” is his first blog post […]
Technician Shortage? Grow Your Own Techs!
Technician Shortage? Grow Your Own Techs! Tonight, Learning Without Scars is proud to introduce readers to our new guest writer, Steven Johnson. In his debut post, he writes about a crucial issue we are facing: Technician Shortage? Grow Your Own Techs! Steven Johnson retired from Associated Equipment Distributors in 2020 as Vice President of Academic […]
Training Develops Skills That Can Be Measured
Training develops skills that can be measured. Guest writer Natalia Dmitrenko continues to build from the foundation of last week’s blog post, “Loyal Staff” with her exploration of the skills that training develops. Each of these skills can be measured. Any corporate training initiatives have a similar purpose: evaluation of the difference in the performance […]
The Business Model
The Business Model Founder and Managing Member Ron Slee walks us through a close look at the Business Model. Let’s Revisit our Business Model With the famous “supply chain” issues that we have been experiencing for the past few years and the serious difficulty in finding, attracting, hiring and retaining talented people I believe that […]
The 5th Element
The 5th Element Our guest blog post, The 5th Element, has been written by a new guest to our website: Patrick Fisher. Over the past two decades Patrick Fisher has been primarily focused on distribution development of large complex agriculture and construction equipment dealerships. Patrick was the Vice President, from March 2013 – October […]