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25 search results for: Compensation



People Nothing is possible in the parts and service business without people. We closed our last post with the fact that we have standards of operations that address the people subject. These are “traditional” standards which are based on traditional operational methods and systems and processes. But our operations need to be tuned up. Let’s […]


Product Support Marketing: A Guide…#MarketingMonday

Let me introduce you to#MarketingMonday.  With the arrival of Learning Without Scars and our embedding the blog in the web site we are kicking off a fresh series of activities. You are by now quite familiar with my Friday Filosophy. Well this is the first of our #MarketingMondays. We will post a new blog […]


Learning Without Scars – Webinar Product Offerings

We are in the process of developing the following webinar products. These products will be rolled out in September with the full complement available January 1, 2015. These will be GoToMeeting type offerings administered by the staff of Learning Without Scars. We would appreciate any comments or thoughts you can provide to assist us in […]


Books in the Bin

Hi I will be writing a seeries of books in the coming years on subjects near and dear to my heart. Several of you have commented that books would be more of interest than a monetized blog. parts instore selling inventory management warehouse layouts and design backorder analysis pricing as a marketing tool purchasing metrics […]