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246 search results for: Foundation


Job Shock: Part Six – The First Half

Job Shock: Part Six – The First Half Job Shock: Part Six – The First Half Edward E. Gordon, the founder and president of Imperial Consulting Corporation in Chicago, has consulted with leaders in business, education, government, and non-profits for over 50 years. As a writer, researcher, speaker, and consultant he has helped shape policy and […]


Potential Employees

How Do Potential Employees Find Careers in Today’s World? Through the past month or so Ed Gordon has been exposing his Job Shock series. A very sobering critique of the labor market and the potential employees out there today. Most of the dealers that I talk with these days are extremely concerned with their inability […]


The Five Bs for Baby Boomers

The five Bs for Baby Boomers to cultivate a culture of innovation In this week’s guest post, Sonya Law offers an explanation of the five Bs for Baby Boomers and the ways in which they can help to cultivate a culture of innovation. What’s the most important part of being a leader today? It’s not about […]


Job Shock, Part Five and a Talent RX

Job Shock, Part Five: Solving the Pandemic & 2030 Employment Meltdown with a Talent RX: RETAIN Partnerships Edward E. Gordon, the founder and president of Imperial Consulting Corporation in Chicago, has consulted with leaders in business, education, government, and non-profits for over 50 years. As a writer, researcher, speaker, and consultant he has helped shape policy […]


Job Shock, Part Three

Job Shock, Part Three Edward E. Gordon, the founder and president of Imperial Consulting Corporation in Chicago, has consulted with leaders in business, education, government, and non-profits for over 50 years. As a writer, researcher, speaker, and consultant he has helped shape policy and programs that advance talent development and regional economic growth. This week, he […]


Job Shock, Part One

Job Shock, Part One This week, we are proud to introduce a new guest blogger, Edward E. Gordon. In Job Shock, Part One, Gordon is beginning a three-week series of thoughts for your consideration. The founder and president of Imperial Consulting Corporation in Chicago, Gordon has consulted with leaders in business, education, government, and non-profits […]


Principia for After-sales

Principia for After-sales In this week’s guest post, blogger Ryszard Chciuk offers us his Principia for after-sales, and brings us more ways to improve this valuable part of our business. In Principia for Business I presented my personal view on the foundations of every organization. It was not a summary of the pile of publications […]


Information and a Call to Action

Information and a Call to Action.   Recently we did a Podcast with Mets Kramer where we talked about the “Digital Dealership.” Then we had a Candid Conversation with Ryszard Chciuk on his work experiences in Poland over the past forty years. Then I caught up with Ed Gordon and we talked about “Job Shock” […]


The Difficulties in Achieving Scale

The Difficulties in Achieving Scale In today’s guest blog post, Bruce Baker continues discussing the difficulties in achieving scale. So why did this happen to someone like Julia?  There was no cause for alarm because she and her business had the best year ever and had built up an impressive cash cushion. If this was […]


The Power of Identifying Your Potential

The Power of Your Potential I like to tell the story of a young person, at the age of sixteen, being told that they have a lot of potential. That person feels proud and is happy with themselves. Then talking to the same person when they are at the age of sixty-six and saying the […]