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246 search results for: Foundation


Internet Learning

Internet Learning Over the past ninety days the planet has been suffering under a serious virus. Nearly everyone has been affected. Some of the results to the economy and societies are starting to come in with analysis on the longer-term impacts. The Congressional Budget Office forecasts that the US will see $7.9 Trillion in lost […]


The CSA – Comprehensive Skills Assessment

The CSA – Comprehensive Skills Assessment Our Comprehensive Skills Assessments (CSA) are job specific and specialized subject matter evaluations of the skills and knowledge of the individuals on the job today. Comprehensive Skills Assessments (CSA) from Learning Without Scars offer a structured tool to evaluate the specific knowledge of each employee in the dealership. Following […]


Who Are You?

Who are you?  One of the networks I follow poses questions often. The most recent question was “What’s the #1 thing you have learned this year?  The problem I have with the question is that I am continually learning. I am a very curious man and not a big fan of the status quo. However, […]