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246 search results for: Foundation
The Challenge
The Challenge We are getting close to being in a position of complete saturation in the jobs market. We now have more jobs open than we have workers looking for a job. That has not happened for a long time. We now have over 6,000,000 jobs open across the country. The most recent Gordon report, […]
A Reintroduction
A Reintroduction We are very pleased to announce the latest news from Learning Without Scars. Our goal here at Learning Without Scars is to provide cost effective, comprehensive, content-rich dynamic learning products. We have developed these programs from the classroom programs which we used and which evolved from our training assignments worldwide over the past […]
Management Mentoring and Coaching Program Continued
Management Mentoring and Coaching Program Continued This week, we are continuing our discussion of the new Mentoring and Coaching Program we are now offering here at LWS. Last week, we discussed the first component of the program, with our Learning On Demand Programs for Managers. This week we are covering the next component of our […]
Teaching and Learning
Teaching and Learning As many of you know I grew up in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The family rented in the city of Montreal and we owned a small, old house in the Laurentians, about an hour north of Montreal. Our house was on the end of a lake and the lake was home to a […]
Talents and Skills
Learning Without Scars was created to fill a void in the Capital Goods Industries, specifically the light and heavy equipment space. With technical schools closing at an alarming rate the markets we serve were becoming unable to find the talents and skills they required in the operational areas of the business, parts and service specifically. […]
Resources and Reading #MondayBlogs
Reading is so much more than an enjoyable pastime. Reading can broaden the foundation we use to build our knowledge, taking our learning to the next level. Tonight, quickly, I want to share with you all that we have resources available. For quick bites, if you’re pressed for time, we have an entire library of […]
The Year in Review #MondayBlogs
2017 has been an eventful year for us. We have been very busy. The product offerings are filling out. We will have more individual subject specific classes (Learning On Demand – LOD) than anyone in our Industry. We introduced Job Function Specific Programs (Planned Specific Programs – PSP) this year and have ten available currently. […]