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154 search results for: Resources


Equipment Data and the Digital Dealership

Equipment Data and the Digital Dealership Tonight, to accompany the podcast released on this subject today, guest blogger Mets Kramer continues to educate us on all the digital aspects of our business with a look at equipment data and the Digital Dealership. When I started Strategic Evolutions in 2017, it was based on two things.   […]


A Watchkeeper or a Beekeeper?

A Watchkeeper or a Beekeeper? In “A Watchmaker or a Beekeeper,” guest blogger Bruce Baker walks you through the main personality types in leadership roles, and how they can impact your business. Low morale, low profits, lack of employee engagement, high turnover and rampant gossip can be attributed to a company being led by either […]


Making Our Teams and Ourselves More Successful

Making Our Teams and Ourselves More Successful This week, guest writer Sonya Law walks us through the people skills we need as we work towards making our teams, and ourselves, more successful. We achieve more as a team when we operate from a place of openness rather than fear – when we chose to thrive […]


Job Shock, Part Five and a Talent RX

Job Shock, Part Five: Solving the Pandemic & 2030 Employment Meltdown with a Talent RX: RETAIN Partnerships Edward E. Gordon, the founder and president of Imperial Consulting Corporation in Chicago, has consulted with leaders in business, education, government, and non-profits for over 50 years. As a writer, researcher, speaker, and consultant he has helped shape policy […]


Goal Setting

Goal Setting Tonight, our returning guest blogger Sonya Law talks to readers about goal setting.  We will explore here how fostering a dynamic workplace incorporates the macro environment in setting goals where People are at the center of creating your competitive advantage… As an employee, our manager will set goals for us which flow down […]


Principia for Business

Principia for Business In this week’s guest blog, Ryszard Chciuk shares his Principia for business. In my post The Future is Now I presented you why and how my after-sales team worked out its long-term plans, which most of business teachers call a vision. Today I am writing about the way we were going to […]


Compassion is like a Marathon!

Compassion is like a Marathon! Cultivating compassion is like running a marathon it requires daily practice over a period of time, like running your first marathon with training you can build the skills!  Now more than ever, it’s imperative for leaders to demonstrate compassion. Compassion is the quality of having positive intentions and real concern for others. Compassion in leadership creates stronger […]


Preventative Maintenance and the Service Agreement, Part 2

Preventative Maintenance and the Service Agreement, Part 2   In this Part 2 of the series on Preventative Maintenance and the Service Agreement, guest blogger Ross Atkinson walks us through the benefits and homework necessary before offering preventative maintenance. As with rentals, the idea is to perform regular maintenance on your customer’s equipment so that […]


A Pathway to Purpose Through Learning

A Pathway to Purpose Through Learning We are all consumed with plans and budgets and objectives. We do them predictably and rigorously at least once a year. Most of us have mission statements and vision statements posted on boards throughout the company. Yet I wonder how many of us have a purpose. Not only that, […]