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154 search results for: Resources


A New Value Proposition for Leaders

A New Value Proposition for Leaders Tonight’s blog is courtesy of Ed Wallace, in a continuation of his last blog post: How Do We Measure Success? Most executives and managers will tell you that strong human relationships are critical to their success. They say they also need their team members and employees to be great […]


The Dramatic Change

The Dramatic Change There has been a dramatic change in leadership, and in teamwork. Collaboration requires an engaged workforce, but only 13 per cent of the world’s workforce is engaged right now. In this working from home mode the current ways of engaging are clearly inefficient. The old approach – engaging people from outside-in through […]


How Do We Measure Success?

How Do We Measure Success? Today we are pleased to introduce to you a valued colleague. Ed Wallace. Ed will share his insights with us from time to time. You will see in his bio that he is an author. I would strongly advise those of you who read and gain new perspectives from books […]


Who Is Your Customer?

In Business – Why are you here? WHO is your CUSTOMER? I had an interesting conversation with Caroline, my daughter, yesterday. Caroline is a teacher, and a very good one. Of course, I am going to say that but it is very true. She teaches in an extremely underprivileged community where a very large percentage […]


Goals – Passion – Struggles

Goals – Passion – Struggles Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting a gentleman by the name of Ed Wallace. He is he author of many books as well as being on the faculty of Drexel’s LeBow College of Business and Villanova University’s Human Resources Master’s Program. In his book “Business Relationships That Last” he […]


Talents and Skills

Learning Without Scars was created to fill a void in the Capital Goods Industries, specifically the light and heavy equipment space. With technical schools closing at an alarming rate the markets we serve were becoming unable to find the talents and skills they required in the operational areas of the business, parts and service specifically. […]


Your Stakeholders – Back to Basics

This is our second installment in our Back to Basics theme, covering the topic of your stakeholders.  Last week, we began with the Balanced Scorecard and the customers. The next piece of Back to Basics is the value that we deliver to the stakeholders. When we talk about your stakeholders, who de we mean? Simply […]


Learning Without Scars is morphing

Greetings. We are going to take this to another dimension. We are in the process of building a new website for learning and learners. It will be the new face of “Learning Without Scars.” We will launch the new venture July 1, 2014. We will offer a one stop shop for all learning experiences:- Internet Based Self […]



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