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154 search results for: Resources


The Hidden Value of Employee Recognition

The Hidden Value of Employee Recognition Guest writer Kurt Pease tackles employee turnover in this week’s blog post, “The Hidden Value of Employee Recognition: Why a Paycheck Isn’t Enough.” High employee turnover is a major pain point for businesses. We often assume money is the main reason people leave, but a recent Gallup poll shows […]


The Myth of Excellence

In this business bestseller the authors make a compelling case for the wisdom of focusing energy and resources on more targeted goals. By choosing the attribute on which to dominate, differentiate, or be at industry par, they provide a new way to be relevant to customers without breaking the bank.


Re-Inventing the Corporation

Re-Inventing the Corporation shows how to evaluate your present company in terms of the future. It gives you two major premises: first, that our time is characterized by a rare confluence of new values and economic necessity, which the authors claim are the two forces required for social change, and second, that the “new information […]


Effective and Affordable Lifelong Learning Strategies

Effective and Affordable Lifelong Learning Strategies Learning Without Scars is pleased to introduce a new guest writer and fellow educator this week. Virginia Cooper is a retired community college instructor. She always encouraged her students to see the real-world value in their education, and now, she wants to spread that message as wide as possible. […]


Henry Ford’s Lean Vision

Henry Ford’s Lean Vision is a hands-on reference that provides the reader with proven principles and methods that can be applied in any business or service enterprise. It covers all aspects of building and running a successful enterprise, including Ford’s principles for human relationships and the management of physical resources.


Struggling to Find the Right Employees for Your Dealership?

Struggling to Find the Right Employees for Your Dealership? Guest writer John Dowling has a timely blog post this week. We are always hearing about the difficulties employers face when trying to find quality employees. Read “Struggling to Find the Right Employees for Your Dealership?” to learn more. Are Recruiting Firms a Good Investment? Well, […]


Exceed Revenue Goals

Exceed Revenue Goals Guest writers Debbie Frakes and Steve Clegg are back with a new and relevant blog post this week which covers the topic of how to meet and exceed your revenue goals. Revenue and transaction trends tell a story about your company. They allow you to recognize sales patterns and understand what activities, […]


What is Cultural Dilution and How to Avoid It

What is Cultural Dilution and How to Avoid It Guest writer Jay Lucas highlights some of the risks of rapid corporate growth in, “What is Cultural Dilution and How to Avoid It.” We’ve all heard the expression, “too much of a good thing ain’t always good.”  Can this really be true when it comes to […]


Why Your Geographic Market Matters

Why Your Geographic Market Matters Guest writers Debbie Frakes and Steve Clegg write about why your geographic market matters, and how this concept directly impacts your business. Why Geographic Market Matters for Your Business When it comes to whether someone will work with a company or not, there are a wide variety of factors that […]