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154 search results for: Resources


Operating and Financial Forecasts Using Artificial Intelligence

Operating and Financial Forecasts Using Artificial Intelligence Guest writer Steve Clegg brings technology to the table in his blog post for this week, “Operating and Financial Forecasts Using Artificial Intelligence.” Operating and Financial Forecasts Using Artificial Intellignence Forecasting your operating and financial results is an important part of any business. Whether you are a startup […]


Performance vs. Potential…Is There a Difference?

Performance vs. Potential…Is There a Difference? Our new guest writer Seth McColley is a HR professional with more than 25 years of diverse, action-packed experience across a number of industries such as telecommunications, restaurant/hospitality, distribution, software, retail and construction/heavy equipment. He has worked for some of the largest Fortune 500 companies and been able to […]


Entry Level Technician Needed

Entry Level Technician Needed Guest writer Bill Pyles tackles more staffing shortages (hint: it’s not just teachers and nurses) in today’s blog post, “Entry Level Technician Needed.” Most segments of the country are enjoying growth in the construction area, which translates to growth among construction equipment dealerships and other companies. A couple of challenges for […]


The Importance of “Professionalism” in Recruiting and Retaining Excellent Technicians

The Importance of “Professionalism” in Recruiting and Retaining Excellent Technicians Guest writer Steve Johnson addresses the important issue of hiring and retaining employees in this week’s post, “The Importance of ‘Professionalism’ in Recruiting and Retaining Excellent Technicians.” Finding good people and employee retention have for years been tough, relevant issues in the equipment industry, especially […]


Technician Shortage? Grow Your Own Techs!

Technician Shortage? Grow Your Own Techs! Tonight, Learning Without Scars is proud to introduce readers to our new guest writer, Steven Johnson. In his debut post, he writes about a crucial issue we are facing: Technician Shortage? Grow Your Own Techs! Steven Johnson retired from Associated Equipment Distributors in 2020 as Vice President of Academic […]


The Leader, The Change, and the Human Being

The Leader, the Change, and the Human Being Today we introduce our new guest writer, Louise Duranleau. Her introductory post tonight is on change management with “The Leader, the Change, and the Human Being.” We are pleased to present this brief bio in Louise’s own words: I was born in Quebec and raised in the […]


Positioning: Who Are You For?

Positioning: Who Are You For?   Guest blogger Alex Kraft discusses positioning in today’s blog, with the important question of who you are positioning yourself for? Who is your message meant to target? Are you a partner to your customers? When you work for an established company, there are certain things that get taken for […]


The Blurry Lines of Blame: Psychological Safety in the Workplace…

The Blurry Lines of Blame: Psychological Safety in the Workplace… Guest writer Sonya Law is here to enlighten us again from the world of Human Resources with her latest blog post, “The Blurry Lines of Blame: Psychological Safety in the Workplace…” “Be the leader that you wish you had, when we become a leader, it […]