What if merely “standing out” from your competition isn’t enough to take your brand and business to the highest level? How do you become an iconic organization or leader?
Being distinctive in the marketplace used to be the pinnacle of success. In today’s global marketplace, that mountain has become significantly more difficult to climb. And, with the explosion of social media, the competition for attention — and customers — is more intense than ever before. Standing out is not only more challenging than ever, it now has less of an impact on sustained growth. To be a lasting company, leader, or brand on a positive trajectory today, one must become iconic.
In his new book, ICONIC, award-winning author and speaker Scott McKain examines what an iconic organization or leader is — and helps you attain and retain that rare status. If your company has slipped in its standing (for example, think Sears or Nokia), McKain teaches you how you can regain your position. This is accomplished through unconventional ideas such as:
• Go negative for greater success
• Do not “under-promise/over-deliver”
• Quit selling your products and services
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