In the absence of a clear decisive leadship people will do what they think is the right thing.

Bennis says that “good leaders are not outsiders who cheer on a group. They are part of that group, integrated deeply into its fabric and emotional life.” This might give some insight on France. “Someone who views himslef as an outsider or as above other members of the group can almost never succeed as a leader.” Going further he says “If there isn’t a deep connection, a real fit, the group will either eject the leader or destroy itself in the attempt.” Interesting thoughts for the times. The time is now…

We will be embarking on potentially a new direction involving more spending and more debt. I wonder how the markets will react. The time is now.

Today is a very significant day in Europe. What with the orbit of the moon putting us the closest we have been in decades and the earth shattering potential with European elections everyone should be tuned in  to the results. Expect the unexpected and the continuation of the kicking the  can down the road to future generations. Perhaps even in Germany. The time is now…

How did you like the Perspective talk?

Life is pretty simple isn’t it? It is people that screw it up.

The time is now….

This should be an interesting weekend. Growing up in the sixties – the “if it feels good do it” generation – I suspect that the people in both countries will be in denial – a different form of “hope and change”. France should elect a Socialist for the first time in a long time who is promising higher taxes on Companies and the High Income Producers and in Greece there is talk of fringe parties gaining and wanting to leave the eurozone or renegotiate the recent bailouts. Oh my. I wonder when the adults will show up?France with government spending at 56% of GDP will be the most instructive to me. The youth should be hopping mad at the actions or inactions of the “adults” in power almost everywhere. The time is now…

Another beautiful day in paradise here and I hope the same is true where you are too. Enjoy your family time and refresh.

The time is now..

Check out Look for Rory Sutherland – perspective is everything. You will find the time spent quite interesting.

The time is now.

The world is more malleable than you think, and it’s waiting for you to hammer it into shape.

Bono, musician

Well here we are. After some resistance I seem to be surviving the travails of a blog. This is my 100th posting. I hope you are enjoying my blathering on about this and that. I appreciate the comments that you are sending my way and look forward to more.

Doon’t forget that we had a reading assignment earlier this week. The Goal. And I hope you have found some time to read it. It is a timeless classic in my view and one that bears rereading occassionally to keep on your toes. Complacency is the enemy, Don’t forget that “Good” and “Great” are the enemy of what is “Possible.”

The time is now.



Just a short note. A good man with a world of experience is starting into the world of the blog. His blog is – growth without pain. Check it out you won’t be sorry. The time is now.