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Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts from the Past Week.

Tthis month, June 2020, is my 40th anniversary in the Consulting Business. I am amazed at that and thankful that I made a living doing it. For the record I still want to make a difference in the lives of dealers and employees in the parts and service world. And… I am still confident enough to think that I can. So as an observer of the world I live in let me share some observations with you.

  • Surveys are showing that professionals would prefer Online training to Classroom training by 75% to 25%. We are counting on that at Learning Without Scars.
  • The thinking is that 50% of the Universities and Colleges in the United States will go bankrupt in the next eighteen months. Is that a good thing?
  • Hewlett Packard is giving online meditation and mindfulness services to employees: nine Thousand employees spent five hundred thousand minutes on the application.
  • Esther Yang, Global Benefits Manager for BlackLine said, “As we transition to a virtual or fully virtual or dispersed environment, we needed to make sure we still continue to create a culture where we are connected.” How do you do that?
  • How does an individual who is WFH – imagine an acronym for “Working From Home” (sometimes we can be crazy, can’t we?) separate their lives between work and home?
  • Lindsay Crittendon, head of the Headspace for Work program said “Businesses are increasingly seeing the importance of addressing the impact that chronic stress has on people – or on their bottom lines from lost productivity, healthcare spend and attrition. What about the cell phone that is attached to us 24/7 and emails and texts and even phone calls happen 24/7?
  • Most people that have worked with me, been in a classroom with me, or clients of mine have heard my three questions of my coworkers and also of client employees.


My coworkers were asked very regularly:

  • What do I do that you like that I do and you want me to continue to do?
  • What do I do that you don’t like that I do and want me to stop doing it?
  • What do I do that doesn’t really matter to you?

I often ask my client’s employees for input. They know a lot more than people give them credit for so I ask for their help with what I do. What are Five Things You Identify in the following categories?

  • To Improve Operations
  • That are a Pain To Do
  • That Would Make Your Job Easier

The Time is Now.