Socrates Says

Overlooking the Pacific Ocean from the shores of Waikiki from me to you All that we are is the result of what we have thought! Our thoughts are so powerful so choose great ones! Buddha It takes less time to do a thing right, than it does to explain why you did it wrong. Henry […]

In business you need clarity. You need to know what you do and how you do it and importantly why you do it. Today will be some thoughts of the day. You need to make a difference. Not for yourself but for others. In sales you need to have done your research. You need to […]

Training has long been a problem for many dealerships. The employees should come to the job trained and ready to work The employees should continue their schooling on their own time Why should I train people they just leave me and go work for the competition On the other hand I don’t want to have […]

Marketing is a broad topic covering a lot of different sins.  It is mass mailings, it is seasonal cards, it is monthly or bimonthly newsletters, or quarterly specials. It is promotional materials and handouts. It is sales catalogues. It is also CRM (customer relationship management) systems and sophisticated information reporting. It is a bunch of […]

The comparison in the last service blog to the doctor is a clear statement on how I view the responsibilities of a service department. We are here to keep the machine operating as it was designed. To reduce the owning and operating costs for the machine owner To protect the residual value of the machine […]

I will assume that you have the correct number of skilled people in your parts department, now we need to look into what it is that they do. This is about much more than the parts order processing factory isn’t it? It is about more than answering telephones and greeting customers who come into your […]