Socrates Says

The core function within every Service Department is the work order process. Yet little attention seems to have been given to this most important function. During this webinar we will take you through the complete process from the “Service Request” up to and including the Invoicing of the finished job. The process is not complicated […]

Customers, for the dealership service department, have grown used to performing service maintenance and minor repairs either themselves, or with the help of independent mechanics.  This has led them to the conclusion that repairs are easily done and that they can diagnose problems with their equipment without much help from anybody. While it is true […]

Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out? Anon Everyone I meet is in some way my superior. William Shakespeare You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there. Yogi Berra The time is now.

‘My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.’ — Barrack Obama ‘Life’s tough…’s even tougher if you’re stupid.” — John Wayne

In another post nearby I talk about the internet as a mode of contact with the customers.  I get a lot of push back on this from distributors and dealers. They say that they will lose control of the customer. I couldn’t disagree more. In the equipment world let’s suppose we have a market capture […]

Have you noticed how the increase in productivity has caused many of us to have fewer man hours of support per dollar sold? This is a phenomenon of business that has really grown in the past thirty years. The US GDP is seriously dependent on personal spending which has grown as a result of productivity […]