All students who take a Subject Specific class are eligible to earn 0.5 of a Continuing Education Credits (CEU).
You must score 80% or higher to obtain a passing mark for the class. This completion entitles you to receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate will also highlight the number of CEU’s you have earned.
The 1st weekend in April.
April fool’s day has long been a fun day for me. I suppose that shows – what kind of fool I am (sic). Over the years I have had several penguins in the backyard when we lived in Montreal. Flamingo’s in the front yard in Edmonton. You get the drift. I am not at home […]
Words of Wisdom #5
Sleeism # 5 Man is like the turtle…. You have to stick your neck out in order to get ahead This is similar to some of the quotes in our Friday Filosophy today. No guts no glory. If you don’t try who can you blame but yourself. The course starts with the first step. There […]
Friday Filosophy #4
I always prefer to believe the best of everybody – it saves so much trouble. Rudyard Kipling All glory comes from daring to begin. Alexander Graham Bell When the world around you is changing at a rate faster than you the end is near. Jack Welsh
Market Capture Rates
Some of you have equated the labor efficiency blog with the actual market capture rate of labor. They are two very different elements in the business. One measures the performance of the supervision of the labor pool and the efficiency of a particular technician on a specific job or group of work orders. The other […]
Labor Efficiency
Service Departments the world over are concerned about efficiency and effectiveness. There is a very easy method in which we can measure and manage the labor we offer to the marketplace. There are two critical pieces of information from which we must start. The first is called Gross Profit Potential and the second is the […]
I’m Back
Well guess who is back. I have been conducting classes for the past four days and travelling for two of them so I have, unfortunately, neglected you. One of the sessions was on Customer Service and the other was on Parts Management. We start into a two day session tomorrow on Service Management. It appears […]