What Would You Have Done Differently?

What Would You Have Done Differently?

Guest writer Tom Barry is here today with a tale from the trenches: “What Would You Have Done Differently?”

As the saying goes sometimes, you learn the hard way…

The business brevity concise version of my learning takeaway was – ‘Trust but Verify’!

I admit that I should have learned and internalized that sentiment from…

President Ronald Reagan well over a decade earlier!

The situation stemmed from my then-early decade-long background in construction equipment as well as the IT/ERP Software Industry, wherein I was contracted to advise a small Rent to Rent (RTR) business on their desired interest to become more competitive and profitable. Towards that end, the business strategy evolved under my guidance and expanded to become an OEM Distributor, which favorably impacted equipment competitiveness and revenue by way of lower initial acquisition costs and related KPIs. Additionally, I secured a new ERP/CRM software/computer package specifically earmarked for this industry sector endeavor, along with extensive physical facility layout and infrastructure modifications serving to support adding new and complementary OEM lines of construction equipment – and more. 


Noteworthy:  Additionally, I also sourced and instituted a construction equipment rental insurance rider policy option for this evolving and poised for expansion rental business so to have full access to rental insurance coverage for all interested renters at the point of a rental agreement. A common option widely available for decades now for those cases when a renter does not have their own blanket policy resources.

On one memorable occasion, a long-standing rental customer of decades for this business had at my direct request emailed over a signed copy of their blanket insurance policy coverage for an equipment rental pick up start planned for later in the day. The blanket insurance policy paperwork they provided was intended to save them the $45 that the optional rental contract insurance rider would have cost them for full repair and total loss coverage. This rental service insurance coverage option was something that I sourced to create a streamlined turnkey ease of rental with peace of mind via an agreement positioned by an outside insurance vendor. 

A few hours later, I was in an upstairs office at my desk peering through an adjacent bay window overlooking 30+ acres of our rental equipment storage lot. It was a beautiful sunny day I recall as I was on the phone with another customer. Unbeknown to me at the time, it turns out that the customer for whom I had earlier rented equipment and received their Insurance Policy Rider for an excavator rental had their truck driver arrive as he had just walked into our downstairs rental office. The customer’s driver was thereupon informed… ‘the excavator unit intended to be rented is all set to go’… ‘the keys are in it’ and our Rental Representative gave him the authorization to proceed to take the unit given their familiarity and frequency of engagement with our yard operations. 

Twenty minutes later, from the vantage point of my desk. I spied a tractor trailer flatbed heading towards an exit from our back yard facility with a boom, arm, and bucket of a loaded excavator still up in the air… (not retracted, settled, blocked, and not fully tucked and chained for legal transport onto the deck). Was he moving the truck to address that matter on more level ground or in the shade… or was this a problem?

ACTION: Immediately, I informed my customer that I was on the phone at the time that I had an emergency to address and that I will call them back asap. I grabbed my binoculars (as I kept them at my desk) and focused on gleaning the drivers’ side door of the flatbed truck 75+ yards away… to gather the phone number and immediately called that number. I told the person that answered that their driver was leaving our yard after loading his truck with the mini excavator with the boom and arm still up in the air… Stating… call them RIGHT-NOW as there are bridges in the area… and hung up to allow them to do just that. 

Just minutes later, I got the return call from the same person that I had just hung up with and heard that the equipment hauling driver had indeed hit the railroad bridge and that ‘the bridge had won!’ Even the track base of the excavator that was chained to the deck had just ripped and sheared completely off the truck bed and was now lying in the road. Thankfully, the truck driver was uninjured, safe, and OK despite being shook up – and no one else was involved – Thank GOD!

Within an hour, the owner of the rental company visited me ‘Hoss’ with whom I was contracted to work. I came to learn directly that he was remarkably close friends with this long-term customer and their family – in fact, they were neighbors for decades. Hoss had just concluded a phone call that he received from the customer/owner that had just been informed of the news from his driver of the now damaged rented excavator by way of an overhead railroad bridge. 

He went on and asked me about the insurance coverage status of the unit. I related that I had the proof of insurance that I requested of the customer right here on my desk and was about to call the customer again for the next steps. As I reached to pick up the proof of insurance paper that was in the rental file, he proceeded to inform me that they (his long-standing customer/friends) sent a forged/fraudulent insurance document to us. This was just verified by the very same customer and person that called him. My mistake was that I never called the customer’s insurance company on the templated form to verify the veracity of the newly signed and dated blanket coverage policy form from this long-standing customer. We were talking about an MSRP: $70K Mini Excavator value.

Result: The mini excavator was clearly totaled due to the unyielding movement specifications of the railroad bridge vis-à-vis the applied physics of 45mph. My owner/president ‘Hoss’ to whom I directly reported had extremely specific questions prepared for me. I shared all the nuances associated with why I sought out and positioned this insurance vendor resource for our business as well as how our Optional Rental Insurance Rider worked. Moreover, and specifically, he was interested to know how such optional arrangements were perfected and electronically memorialized by my required actions at the time of a rental transaction order. 

I related that I was expected to act and execute on an honor basis in accordance with the rules of procedure outlined for this process not to mention the State Insurance Laws already in place which also cover the subject matter. In reply to my shared information and without delay, I then listened to minutes of an early afternoon inebriated diatribe espousing a ‘non-negotiable’ set of specific ideas on what I should do next involving the ‘available’ resource of an Optional Rental Policy Rider program that I had positioned for our business operations. 

To which, I categorically declined all espoused suggestions (vehement directives) that would never hold up to the light of day – at this stage of the known circumstances. I illuminated Hoss that his personal white-hot enthusiastic hatred of insurance companies is not an actionable basis for retroactively effecting the prevention of a bell ringing sound for that which has already rung. I added that I would arrive at the customer’s office within an hour or so and address the matter directly. 

I gathered the rental order file and made two copies. I replied that I would report directly back to him on where we stand upon my return from the customer’s office. Next, I made a couple of calls to put everything in place and prepared the paperwork that I needed and departed. As I passed under the Railroad Bridge in question, I noted the overly impressive stoutness of the engineering design of our still impressive Industrial Revolution! I had to pause and take a picture with my Polaroid Camera at the time.

Upon arrival at the rental customer’s main construction office, I navigated the conversation complete with life-cycle cost values, payback study scenarios, brochures, and productivity estimates for addressing their work on hand and convinced them of a remedy to the matter at hand. I sold them on buying a brand-new identical mini-excavator unit (that I had in stock) to that which was totaled and still in the road… on the spot where it fell. They also bought the ruined mini excavator at an attractive price as a ‘parts order supply’ to support the lifetime of the unit that was here now to be added brand new in their fleet. Fortunately, the ruined unit also qualified for the same new machine OEM subsidized financing given that they were both bought at the same time as the base unit with the destroyed unit ‘as a parts support order.’ 

Sometimes when an unintended bad financial scenario arises, you hold it close to better navigating an eventual financial position that can serve as a Band-Aid remedy that given the circumstances – works out in the long haul.

Although my approach to selling two mini excavators in this creative manner was financially welcoming and conducive to the ultimate bottom line of the customer, our equipment rental business and the OEM’s financing arm, not all was as warm and glowing as the Sun that day. There were consequences going forward. My dismissal of and complete non-compliance with the stated directives on how I was to proceed by Hoss proved consequential. In the not too far off distant future, an unspoken and unwritten basis for my unceremonious dismissal ‘without cause’ was provided via the conclusion of my Independent Contractor Agreement in concert with the favorable terms set forth therein.

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What Would You Have Done?

What Would You Have Done?

Guest writer Tom Barry is back this week to ask us to consider how we will approach our market and our leads in “What Would You Have Done?”

“Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

However, it is a long and lonely day sitting at your home or office as an order taker waiting for prospective customers to come knocking or calling! Especially, when you realize that customers either purchase logically and support their decision emotionally or purchase emotionally and support their decision logically. Either way, you must be prepared to cover both sides of these motivating drivers! The more you practice, drill, and rehearse… the better the odds of a favorable outcome! 

In what follows is a true-life portable mobile cellphone sales presentation story which shares insight of contrasting styles of differentiating value propositions, and the importance of strategy preparation. In our country which now boasts nearly three hundred million handheld cellphones, it is a time warp journey through a level of abstract reasoning for Generation Z to appreciate a past world where there was a need for investment justification for the availability, rental, or ownership of a mobile cellphone. Nevertheless, new technology is always a blink away and so are the strategies and skillsets required to be ready to gently lead prospects to the latest and greatest products in a manner that serves to illuminate clear recognition of existing afflictions/challenges so to desire a new improved reality! 

Preamble: By 1985 in the San Francisco, CA Bay Area, the first six (6) cell phone towers were constructed. The TV announcements began with local news coverage that related their completion and soon to come launch of cellphone services. Specifically, the event to showcase the technological event was for five (5) Site Seeing Air Touring Balloons to be launched from remote Bay Area locations. Each group of Balloon travelers were outfitted with a portable cellphone so that the ground-based chase vehicles, also equipped with same, could communicate via their portable mobile phones in order to coordinate the precise wind influenced landing spots for each Air Balloon trek. Timely retrieval, safety, and efficiency were to be showcased! Truth be told, a couple of Air Balloons full of passengers and an experienced pilot crashed and started fires, others landed far off the cellular grid and resultantly, the cellphones did not all perform as anticipated. 

Note: Portable Cell Phones at the time ranged in MSRP from…$2,000 to $6,500. There were two models to choose from. The lower priced unit was akin to a car battery with a carry handle and a phone handset with a keypad (approx. weight of 20 lbs.). The higher price unit was a transportable unit that was designed to be installed in a car with the transceiver in the trunk and a portable handheld handset mounted near the dash which could also be detached and carried in a purpose designed suitcase (approx. weight of 8 lbs.). Both units had handsfree speaker capabilities. The limited battery portable life technology of the day required overnight charging for generating just hours of standby or call usage.

The fixed service fee cost to have the mobile phone access the tower grid after purchase was $45/mo. and this came with 60 minutes of ‘FREE’ talk time. Beyond this price and free included minutes… the cost was .45 cents per minute irrespective of the call being an outgoing or incoming call. It added up quickly!

I worked for a startup affiliate cellular phone business distributor. Their sales protocols were that their telemarketing department generates two leads per day for each Communications Consulting Sales Rep. It was a 1-Call-Close scenario with no follow up opportunities permissible for that sales associate on that generated lead. The prospect was called by a telemarketer and told someone was going to be in their area and could stop by to answer any questions they may have on the new cellular services available in the Bay Area. That was it!

One Call Close:  On a Friday @5:00PM a Telemarketing Lead came through… ‘The last one for today’ – stated the Telemarketing Manager (TM) of a 20+ person Telemarketing Pool to a group of six of us in sales who were already heading towards the exit door. We were off to meet up at the local bar to catch up with the other 12 or so that were already heading that way from the field… ‘California Style’ as I came to learn… as the General Manager (GM) bought the first and last round to end the week so to celebrate a favorable group sales tally.  

‘Who wants it’ – the TM shouted? ‘Who and where is it’ was heard back from our group. Quickly, it was established that two very capable sales reps had already called on that specific lead in the prior months and were rather convincing in relating with brevity that it would be a colossal waste of time.  Even the GM listening in was agreeable that it was likely a waste of time. 

New to this business, I was on the job just 60 days at this point. As the GM was expressing his skeptical view, I noticed the TM’s facial expression reveal a bit of  dejection and so I instinctively grabbed the lead out of the TM’s hand and stated in a self-confident tenor… ’There are no weak leads only weak salesmen’ –  my borrowing a line from the Glengarry Glen Ross book (1984).  Adding as I looked at my watch… ‘it takes me 15 minutes to get there… and only 10 minutes to get to the bar we all are to meet at from that spot. Have my Molson Gold poured and ready and I’ll be there with a check in 2 hours’. My GM thought it was the coolest thing he had ever heard, as my peers were only confirming in their minds that I was just another all-knowing pompous ass from U.C. Berkeley. 

While enroute, I knew that I had to find a way to do something that two very competent sales associates – each with at least a decade or more experience than I in sales did not get done. What did I know? I knew that the other two more experienced sales associates would have covered every nuance associated with the templated presentation on the cellphones, pricing, options, value proposition, etc. They knew how to manage objections and close 1-Call-Close deals. They had at least six months more experience in the industry than I did. What am I to do?

As I neared the appointment location, I assessed if I’m going to sell a mobile phone on a 1-Call-Close… The customer must have the ability to afford it. If he can’t afford it… which only takes a minute to determine… there’s not much that I can do… right? 

This prospect had no idea that I was aware that two other sales associates from my company had already pitched and failed with him. As I parked my car, I convinced myself that this prospect wanted a cellphone and wanted to be both informed and convinced prior to making a final decision. Although, still in the back of my mind I wondered if perhaps he was just lonely and couldn’t bring himself to hang up on a telemarketer. I was about to find out either way.

As I assessed the nuances of what might be relevant to address, I suspected there was a possible lack of warm up or enthusiasm with the other two sales associates. Beyond their both being the top monthly sales associates, I only knew one was a former professional football player and the other was still very British. 

Therein, I decided to establish a connection with this prospect so to foster an amicable rapport. Forge enough of such, so that I could speak directly with personable likeability. I endeavored for the prospect to ride my upbeat enthusiasm to inspire his confidence to invest in this technology in a manner whereby he could sense the favorable aspects of a new reality of what this functionality could deliver. After all, I needed to get to the bar on a forecasted timeline – tick tock. 

Upon arrival at the place of business, I spent 20+ minutes just with the banter exchange and warm up with my prospective customer. All was good and so I began… skipping 90% of my presentation as I knew he had heard plenty of it prior… 

‘Mr. Customer, it is clear to me from our conversation and my observations here today that you are a very successful business owner. I’m sure that when it comes to matters such as making new investments in (his service business diagnostic tools that I had observed) that you do your homework so to make the very best decisions. I don’t have any doubt that you would allow me to be here to waste your time to discuss the prospects of buying a mobile cellphone if you did not already do your due diligence and make the decision that you want to own one for the very same reasons you wouldn’t come to work and try and make money without the use of the phone on your desk.  Am I correct? I got my first ‘Yes’ reply! 

Mr. customer, I know my products and I’ve gleaned from your sharing about your operations here to make the appropriate best model selection for your needs. Aside from the investment price of the equipment, take that completely out of the conversation for the moment, if you are 100% convinced that this is the right decision to proceed and invest, is there anything that stands in your way of approving this decision now? 

‘No…if the price is right, we are good.’  

‘Great! The price is the easy part of this conversation. Mr. Customer… please help me help you on this point…I see you have a 10 key calculator there… let’s look at this from the perspective of big animal pictures… you have four service vehicles plus your own as you stated… and that they easily average 18,000 miles per year each. I’m not that good at math… if you would be so kind… please help me. That’s what… 5 x 18,000 = 90,000 miles per year across your fleet. With all the stop and go in the Bay Area… the avg. speed is 30mph at the highest. So, as a worst-case scenario, divide 90,000 miles by 30mph. That equals what? A few keystrokes later and 3,000 hours a year – was his response.’  

I asked him to divide that 3,000 hours by 40 hours a week. I answered, ‘Yes,’ to his reply that ‘75 weeks’ of possible time savings where the most important user of the portable phone within his business has access to it to be more productive. Mr. Customer, can you imagine coming to work for the next 1.5 years and running your business and trying to optimize productivity and profitability without access to the phone on your desk? His eyes lit up a bit. 

Lastly, if you would be so kind… multiply the value of either your serviceman’s time or your own (the amount you pay or earn in a week) by seventy-five. I don’t need to know the answer…just plug it in for your eyes. As he entered his keystrokes, I shared – ‘The investment in this portable phone that can go with the person with the greatest need for timely and safe operations, not to mention the time outside of work for you as well, makes a lot of sense, wouldn’t you agree?’  

The entire time I am writing up the order and by the time he punches his calculator and gets his answers – I’m turning the paperwork around for him and say …I’ll just need your authorization right there at the ‘X’ (as I laid down a pen upon the agreement) and a check for $2,000 made out to GTE MobileComm.

 (keep in mind that generally, nobody wants to purchase or sign anything… however, they are more than amenable to authorize plenty). 

Without hesitating, and before he picked up the pen, I added…I’ll deliver your phone tomorrow morning by 10:00AM personally and show you all the features. Is 10:00AM best for you or do you prefer the afternoon? If he answers the question about 10:00AM or afternoon…in a favorable manner…he just purchased a portable mobile phone. 

Fifteen minutes later, I walk into the bar with a somewhat hurried/tired look only to find 12 of my co-workers (11 salesman and the TM) and my GM at the edge of their dining seats wondering who was going to win the bet on my sales call outcome that they collectively had been debating and negotiating over the prior hour.  They all looked up as I entered the room, and they greeted me with a collective “WELL – Did you get it”? 

Dejectedly, I uttered… let’s look at this with positivity in that at least the good news is that I’m two minutes early as I looked at my watch… my boss drops his head thinking that he is buying everyone’s dinner and drinks and says ‘and the bad news’? I replied… The bad news is that parking was hell! As I slammed the signed agreement and the customer’s $2,000 check onto the table in front of my GM! My GM jumps up and screamed ‘bullya’ – extending a high-five! 

The prior two sales associates that called on the same customer prior simultaneously launched from their chairs as they walked around the table to see the signed paperwork and inspect the check as they were both in disbelief. 

The Company, Telemarketing Manager, Telemarketer, and I made money as a result and my GM, Telemarketing Manger and I ate for free! From that point forward, I received what I assessed to be the best qualified lead opportunities that came out of the Telemarketing Dept. The Telemarketing Manager used my success story on this call to motivate his department to always give their best efforts. I’m not saying that this preferential treatment was the way it should be – it was just the way it appeared to work out!

In the months that followed, I went on to shatter the company record with twenty-eight consecutive 1-Call-Closes. The GM assigned the nickname of “The Machine” to me during my remaining time there. You would have had to have read the aforementioned book or have seen the movie circa 2001 to fully appreciate!

“There are many people who think they want to be matadors, only to find themselves in the ring with two thousand pounds of bull bearing down on them, and then discover that what they really wanted was to wear tight pants and hear the crowd roar.” – Terry Pearce

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What Would You Have Done

What Would You Have Done

Thomas Barry – ‘Tom’ has long taken to heart the fortuitous occasions and high value of being prepared and focused when the opportunity to be considered, called upon, and compete align.  This was a necessary mindset fostered and forged when seeking to make the youth baseball, soccer, hockey, and chess tournament teams while growing up in both Massachusetts & New Jersey having moved several times.  He makes his first blog post for Learning Without Scars with, “What Would You Have Done?”

Attending High School in both MA & NJ, illuminated the precept that demonstrating your value was only evidenced by your repeatedly proven capacity to generate stellar results within those brief moments of timely relevance.  As does earning a spot on the Soccer & Baseball Teams within new schools with 5,000+ students. The application of this internalized set of motivators has proved useful and beneficial as it has translated into a long list of both individual and corporate leadership business awards.  Recognitions, bestowed for sales, marketing, share of market, and comprehensive KPI metric performances repeatedly recognized by world leading OEMs, heavy equipment stocking distribution businesses, as well as governments on Local, State, and Federal levels; for National, North American, and Global Sales and Export performances.    

A Graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, there… Tom applied for and was accepted into a highly selective Independent Studies degree program within the College of Letters & Science while also a member of the PAC10 Cal Baseball Team.  His focus was professional sales and as such was permitted to take coursework from all 14 UCB campus colleges including 2 years of MBA studies in the Principles of Corporate Finance, Engineering, Business Law, Accounting, Statistics, Computer Science, Political Economies of Industrialized Nations, Sentential Calculus, and the completion of a culminating Senior Thesis which earned an ‘A’. 

Tom and his wife Eileen met in High School and are now married 36 years and reside in Columbus, OH.  Their two adult sons were very active in Travel Soccer & Tennis which initiated a great band of parents that routinely gather for the next Ohio State Buckeye Football or Columbus Crew Soccer Games!      

You can find Tom on LinkedIn.

A true-life heavy construction equipment sales presentation story shares insight of contrasting styles of differentiating value propositions.
Several of the competing OEM distributorships’ senior leadership emerged from behind their desks to present a product of three (3+) of the world’s leading competitive OEMs to my unit.
Unique styles and approaches collided in a high-profile opportunity wherein a purchase of a 147,000 lbs. excavator is on the table to be selected by the winner ‘Bill’ of a State Government low bid public service energy project!

Preamble: Within a typical sales career launch… many representatives will start off at a level of skillset capacity descriptively referred to that of Unconscious Incompetence. If you’re slow to embrace and internalize key precepts available from training… you’ll likely be lacking at your needed industry skills, and you will often not even know it or know why. Nevertheless, with some initiative and persistent engagement, you’ll advance to a level of Conscious Incompetence wherein you’ll perform under par, and you’ll be aware that you’re not as good or as effective as desired from yourself and others. Self-awareness is needed!

As you practice, drill, and rehearse your early skillset, pivotal personality traits, product knowledge, and practiced presentation choice of words nuances, you’ll start to notice and appreciate marked strides towards improvement. The results will often equate to some level of competence along with periodic moments of success that fuel an onwards and upwards spirit to endeavor towards continuous improvement!

Continue to hone your skills and you’ll reach a level of Conscious Competence…You’ll be prepared and skilled and self-aware of such. Down the road…staying the course and with a mind to continuous improvement… and striving for excellence… the phase of your career wherein you attain Unconscious Competence awaits. Therein is the stage at which you can earn self-satisfaction and rewarding recognition levels familiar to many that enter the arenas of sports. More importantly, you’ll find that the professional field of sales is a lot of fun and full of gratifying moments of satisfaction of helping to uniquely solve customers’ problems! The journey of taking a Brand Mark to another level of Brand __________! 

This capacity for professional growth and career satisfaction will be a function of your capacity to act with sincerity, to do more for your customers than anybody else is willing to wield to deliver, so that they and their opportunities can be as successful as possible!

As I waited in the entry foyer… of an existing customer’s visitor’s chair that morning, I was greeted by the President’s Office Manager, whom I knew quite well of this fast-growing construction firm; on the matter of a recently secured heavily competitive bid for a large public service energy project. The very familiar banter which was commensurate between us was suspended as the President emerged from his office and spoke with an energetic/pleasant business tenor… 

“Busy day Tom, I have no time for pleasantries… I’d like to meet with you today…I’ve got a meeting set already to meet with (OEM Distributor Competitor #1) in 15 minutes from now – this morning… who, by the way, isn’t happy that you sold me the last 20 machines I’ve purchased. They are embarrassed and have assured me that their final pricing and enthusiasm expressed is going to reflect that point to say the least. I’m also meeting with (OEM Distributor Competitor #2 & #3) this afternoon as they each related to me this order is going to be theirs…that should be interesting. Do you want to meet me before I meet with (OEM Distributor Competitor #2 & or #3)?”  

I replied, thank you for asking but no thank you Bill, … I’ll be pleased to take the last appointment of the day. I’ll catch up with you at 5:00PM, if that works, as I doubt that my perspective and comments will need to take very long…and I can answer any questions you may have that stemmed from your prior meetings.

Bill replied: “OK… Sounds good Tom, see you then.”

Upon my return, I arrived ten minutes early and soon was summoned to sit across from the Contractors’ President’s desk to relate the following with a high degree of matter-of-fact confidence. “Bill, as always thank you for your time to speak with you and for the opportunity to be compared so that our value can be identified – as always that is highly appreciated! Bill as you are keenly aware… you’re buying a tool for a job. The tool you need for this job is very soon to start am I correct? Bill replied Yes! 

I added, the importance of this job is enormous. Everyone will be watching, and this will likely be the most important job in the history of your company…am I correct in saying that? Bill replied ‘Yes’! If you would be so kind Bill, please share just a bit about your project… is it the same as what I’ve heard (he knew I assisted with his bidding team of engineers)? Indeed, it was the same.

I summarized and related OK Bill, thank you for that feedback as it is largely the same specs as I had recalled from my prior meeting notes. {As I was about to begin my presentation comments, Bill interrupted me and stated} … 

“Tom your proposal to me is at $675,000 for your excavator package vs. Competitor #1 at $545,000 and Competitor #2 is at $475,000 and Competitor #3 is at $425,000 with an additional caveat of “Make me an Offer” comment from their V.P. of Sales… who related that the factory is going to make sure that this deal is theirs! (Bill added) … ‘that has turned my head…Tom, you know I like you… so let’s keep this conversation about meat and potatoes because that is at least $250,000 we’re talking about.”

Thank you for that feedback, Bill… much appreciated. I took the liberty to stop by the facilities of Competitor #2 & #3 today. I drove through their equipment inventory yards as if I owned the place and despite some of the looks, I got, I took these pictures of their machinery, buckets, and excavator arm inventory positions on their respective grounds as I wanted to assess their capacity to support you considering the difficulty and importance of this project.  We’re talking about very hard shale & dolomite seams that cannot be blasted as I recall from conversations with your estimators (I referred to them by names)! 

Competitors #2 & #3 have just one bucket each in inventory… and that is only the ones already mounted onto their only inventoried excavator unit they are quoting you. They both have 65” soil bailing buckets installed – not matched for the early job phases. You’re going to need quick disconnects on the bucket couplers with a capacity to switch between at least 3 buckets so that you can maximize your productivity and reduce the amount of stone that will support the trench with the appropriate amount of stone bedding and backfill. You will likely be entertaining the prospect of even taking a 2nd longer arm for the excavation effort as this job is pulling triple boxes for safety requirements as you near the end. This shale you are excavating at the bottom of the trench will require a rock bucket that is a $55,000 item. Such bucket specs take 6 weeks to order and arrive if all goes well. 

As to Competitor #2 & #3, offering… forget about the very close machinery specifications on brochures and the bucket issues which are significant…and the critical and hoped for parts and service support desired for a limited number of units present in the region, as compared to what you are already aware of and confident of with our support.  Nobody knows Competitors #2 & #3 offer better than the guys who pitched you on it earlier today. As to Competitor #3, do you really want to consider owning a machine that costs over $400,000 wherein your opportunity to sell it when you’re done with this project has to include the line “Make me an Offer”? Bill, Competitor #2, hasn’t sold a single 75,000 lbs. or larger excavator in this State since the undercarriage wore out on their 100,000 lbs. excavator in 1,800 hours in the next county over which required the purchase of a new $45,000 undercarriage for the project to be completed. This isn’t a dozer working in high-speed reverse in sand and should never see that kind of wear. Their undercarriage and Triple Grouser Shoe specs are not only thinner, the material of their cast pins, bushings and pads are suspect at best. I have the name and number for that owner who would be only too happy to take your call to share that experience and his ‘lessons learned’ story.

As to Competitor #1, knowing they would be touting the glory of their Market Resale Value… I shared ‘keep in mind that 70 Units of this size excavator sold in our state over last decade’. ‘We have sold 56 of them…they have sold 14, and Competitors #2 & #3 haven’t sold any. Trade in Value – the opportunity to take it in trade on the next tool that you are required to have as this job concludes is of enormous relevance and importance. On that note we’re clearly a better designed machine and value as Competitor #1 doesn’t measure up and that is why we have sold 56 out of the last 70 units in this size class and 56 out of the last most recent 59 units sold. Again, you’re buying a tool for a specific job!’  

Moreover, Resale Values for used equipment reflect all buyers’ preferences for new if they could afford them. For all such reasons our offer is the preferred machine of an informed buyer. Our confidence in keeping them in our fleet and supporting them includes our buying them as or if they make it to an auction. Our preference is to take them in trade… which would also position you to save on the taxes when buying new! 

Just as you have purchased the last 20 machines from us, Bill, this next unit is the right decision… if and when you decide the unit is surplus to your next project needs and seek to pick up the next set of tools best matched, you will know that we have every interest to get that unit back for the right price that reflects the proven and established demand for that product in this State.  The breadth of our product offering is well positioned to support your future needs. Note: I have 54 buckets in inventory for this size excavator along with that specialty rock bucket we discussed, numerous arm length choices, along with 16 of these excavator units in stock and in my rental fleet.

{NOTE: In what follows below is referred to as “An Alternate of Choice Closing Question}:  

‘Bill, I know you have a quick start date for this project, so do you want the excavator delivered to the site by this Friday morning or afternoon or is Monday soon enough and which of the three buckets do you prefer to have mounted to start the job?’ (upon which time I shut my mouth and didn’t utter a word for the next 7 seconds of room silence) …   Bill paused, sat back in his chair shook his head side to side and smiled, & then nodded… he stated “Wow… Tom! I did not think I would be saying this today… Monday morning… and the Rock Bucket so to have a wow factor at the Groundbreaking – there is going to be some Press & Dignitaries’ there” – he just purchased a $675,000 excavation package! 

The satisfaction of a favorable outcome attained is a function of earning the customers endorsement of your opportunity to be compared in the process of addressing their needs. Gently leading that customer to identify and navigate the merit of your differentiating value proposition to a new and improved reality of added value – The Life-Cycle-Cost assessments of both ownership and time tested/trusted business relationships of Brand Insistence!

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