“The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds.”    John Maynard Keynes.

We are captives to our upbringing and education and have a hard time both hearing opposing thoughts or thinking them. One of the few times I agree with Keynes. The time is now.


This is a wonderful site. Everyone has something they will find interesting on here. Check out Rory Sutherland. The time is now


“How can it be that institutions that serve the common welfare and are extremely significant for its development come into being without a common will directed towards establishing them?

Carl Menger

The time is now

All good things must come to an eventual end. I am on the road again this week. The time is now.

We are progressing well in other regions of the world to the point that we are exploring how to adapt our web site and blogs to other languages and opportunities. We are looking at Europe, South & Central America, Russia, Japan, China and the Middle East. As the world becomes more integrated more businesses and individuals will be looking at obtaining the best information, training, consulting and business development from whereever it is available. The problem for most is how to find who does what – where. This happened to us recently in regards to a consulting review being conducted in the US in our Industry where it was hard for the leader of the project to find experienced companies and individuals in the disciplines he had needs. We are discussing this with our Chinese, Japanese and European friends and associates. The time is now.

Not to wade into politics but I wonder if yesterday’s work in Wisconsin is the slightest glimmer that the US is catching a Canadian flu and that fiscal sanity might prevail. The is now.

Are you committed to excellence?

Do you care about me?

Can I trust you?


The time is now.

Celebrate with your Mother and Grand Mother and Great Grand Mother and cherish your time with them. The time is now..

Enjoy I will. The sun and the beach in Hawaii. The greatest tonic on the planet. Refresh and enjoy. The time is now.

Just a short note to those of you reading the blog. If you click on the category index on the right or the categories at the end of the blog you will receive back all blogs written on that category. Just scroll down through them. I didn’t know how many of you knew that it is tied together that way. The time is now…