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154 search results for: Resources


You Only Have One Flashlight

You Only Have One Flashlight Guest writer Sonya Law shares the importance of honing your focus and discovering your purpose. You only have one flashlight, and you need to be particular about where you shine that light! What you FOCUS on grows. When we focus on PURPOSEFUL work that we feel connected to it’s POWERFUL. […]


Embracing Automation

Embracing Automation Tonight, guest writer Jennifer Albright shares with readers the ways in which our “new normal” can bring about some positive change with embracing automation. Embracing Automation in a Post-Pandemic Dealer World: Creating a Smoother Tech Implementation Experience. As much as I think we are all tired of hearing phrases like “unprecedented times”, “pivot”, […]


The Great Reshuffle: How to Retain Top Talent

The Great Reshuffle: How to Retain Top Talent Guest writer Sonya Law tackles on of the challenges facing businesses today: how to retain your top talent in the face of what is being called the great reshuffle. The great resignation: could it best be described as the great reshuffle? It’s true that there has always […]


Training Develops Skills That Can Be Measured

Training develops skills that can be measured. Guest writer Natalia Dmitrenko continues to build from the foundation of last week’s blog post, “Loyal Staff” with her exploration of the skills that training develops. Each of these skills can be measured. Any corporate training initiatives have a similar purpose: evaluation of the difference in the performance […]


Loyal Staff: Does Corporate Training Really Work Well for Uplifting Employees’ Skills and Boosting Loyalty?

Loyal Staff: Does Corporate Training Really Work Well for Uplifting Employees’ Skills and Boosting Loyalty? We are pleased to introduce another new guest writer here at Learning Without Scars. Natallia Dmitrenko is a content specialist at Grinfer with a focus on content management and blog promotion. She gained experience studying at the University of Nebraska […]


Marketing 101

Marketing 101 Today’s blog post, Marketing 101, is written for us by our new Guest Writer, Bonnie Feigenbaum. Bonnie has a wealth of experience as a professor of Marketing in Quebec, and shares with readers a detailed overview of the subject.  Bonnie Feigenbaum is a Senior PR Consultant with TNKR Media, former Town Councillor and […]


The Evolution of Business Owners

The Evolution of Business Owners Change is just one inevitability in life. Guest writer Floyd Jerkins walks us through just one change in his piece on the evolution of business owners. It is quite rare for a dealership to be able to adequately plan succession in the ranks of their mid-management staff. So often, a […]