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154 search results for: Resources


Education Step 8

The Liberal Arts education that has been the push for the past five decades has not delivered what was intended. Slowly in the halls of academia this is being recognized. There are changes underway to address some of the issues. Internet lectures offered for free is one of them. I want to explore a different […]


Thought of the Day #7

It starts quietly, the defense of the Keynesian failures.  Published Wednesday in Global Post – Northwestern economist Robert Gordon opines that “We’ve had a lot of inherent advantages: abundant natural resources, favorable demographic trends, relative political stability supported by the protective benefit of two oceans, to name a few. But from colonial times to the […]


Management Musing v1.4

I want to return to some advice from Gary Hamel which he describes in his book “What Matters Now.” The advice is to a class at the London Business School and he normally reserves it for the last lecture he gives to the class. He addresses five issues which are critical to every one of […]


Creators and Critics

I got an email this morning from Patrick Sweeney of Caliper. Caliper does terrific work in the areas of Human Resources, Organizational Development and Recruitment to name just a few of their areas of interest. Patrick asked that we read his blog – Creators, Collaborators and Critics. It is terrific and well worth your time […]