Socrates Says

Personal Responsibility – Part 2 If you remember my last post, I left off with the challenges that face us when we move into the realm of teaching and learning as adults.  Open-mindedness is a critical component of the entire process, and we become more “set” in our ways with each passing year. That brings […]

Personal Responsibility I recently discovered a fascinating individual by the name of Jordan B. Peterson. I have to admit to a little personal disappointment that I had not discovered him earlier as he has been out there roiling the pot for some years. Dr. Peterson has a PhD in Psychology which he obtained from McGill […]

Teaching and Learning As many of you know I grew up in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The family rented in the city of Montreal and we owned a small, old house in the Laurentians, about an hour north of Montreal. Our house was on the end of a lake and the lake was home to a […]

The Parts Business Going Forward. Let me ask a few questions, of you, if I might: What does your future in the parts business look like? Is it a continuation of what you are doing now? Are the results you are experiencing satisfying for you personally? Is that the best you can do? If you […]

In our Industry, what is it that we DO?  What is the action that is involved in creating employee and customer satisfaction?  There are simple steps we can take to gain big results. Employee satisfaction requires knowing what to do – if an employee can measure their own job performance, there is a sense of […]

Learning Without Scars was created to fill a void in the Capital Goods Industries, specifically the light and heavy equipment space. With technical schools closing at an alarming rate the markets we serve were becoming unable to find the talents and skills they required in the operational areas of the business, parts and service specifically. […]