Socrates Says

These past three weeks, I have been walking you through our “Back to the Basics” overview.  We have covered the Balanced Scorecard, the Stakeholders, and now we have arrived at our final segment.  Finally, we are going to take a look at the employees. Importantly, the last major step on the Back to Basics road […]

This is our second installment in our Back to Basics theme, covering the topic of your stakeholders.  Last week, we began with the Balanced Scorecard and the customers. The next piece of Back to Basics is the value that we deliver to the stakeholders. When we talk about your stakeholders, who de we mean? Simply […]

For the last month we have been discussing change and the fact that although it is causing us anxiety it also creates opportunities for the talented, curious, ambitious and hard-working people in our businesses. Let’s get our heads out of the clouds and return to the dirt. Let’s get back to basics. What is troubling […]

How does EQ fit today? Charles Darwin was the first to identify the value of emotions as a critical element in the life. Sweaty palms for nervousness a churning stomach for anxiety and other signals. This moved to something called “social intelligence” in the 1920’s identified by F.L Thorndike. In 1990John Mayer and Peter Salovey […]

For some time now, the Capital Goods Industries has used global position and equipment monitoring technologies. Last week I talk about the Cloud Based Technologies that were impacting our world. I want to look in a different direction this week. On March 22nd the following press release got my attention: China: – Commercial drone data […]

Recently I read an excellent article on the IoT regarding cloud based technologies and the impact that they are going to be having on all of us. The cloud is impacting all of us gradually and some of us rather strongly and quickly. The technological capability enabling this shift—often referred to as the Internet of […]