All students who take a Subject Specific class are eligible to earn 0.5 of a Continuing Education Credits (CEU).
You must score 80% or higher to obtain a passing mark for the class. This completion entitles you to receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate will also highlight the number of CEU’s you have earned.
Friday Philosophy #2015-24
For Friday Philosophy #2015-24 I wanted to share with you some ideas that came to me from one of the events of this week. I was at a graduation ceremony earlier this week and heard the Headmaster talk about reading a biography of Albert Einstein. It moved me to share some of his quotes with […]
Friday Filosophy #2015-23
For our Friday Filosophy #2015-23, we are back to quotes by multiple people. Unfortunately, we missed Friday. Education is the mother of leadership. Wendell Wilkie A competent leader can get efficient service from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops. John J Pershing One of the […]
Upcoming Events: All About Webinars
It’s that time again, here at Learning Without Scars. It is time for a new post on our upcoming events and this week it is all about webinars. Next week, beginning on Monday, June 8, 2015, we are continuing our Product Support Selling and Parts & Service Marketing Program. We will be hosting webinars on […]
Friday Filosophy #2015-22
This week, in Friday Filosophy #2015-22, let’s go back to an earlier era. Some of us might want to return to yesteryear – the times of Ronald Reagan. We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children […]
Friday Filosophy #2015-21
Vision is the art of seeing things invisible. Jonathon Swift. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Mohandas Gandhi The purpose of life is a life of purpose. Robert Byrne. Think about it. The time is now.
Training Tidbit v2015-3
As you can see, we haven’t yet written many of these this year, as this is Training Tidbit v2015-3. The first of the spring webinar series is just about completed. We have conducted 58 webinars, with another 8 before July 1, 2015. 64 in total. I am extremely pleased with the attendance. We are averaging […]