Socrates Says

Those of you who have following this blog know about my concern for education, particularly the trade and vocational schools. Well yesterday in the Sunday paper here was another voice being raised. Morris Beschloss. He is a distinguished economic analyst He references a book in this article written by Edward E Gordon. It is dry […]

Why are you trying so hard to fit in, when you’re born to stand out? Oliver James Thank you Bill The time is now.  

Always write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them. James Fellows We are twice armed if we fight with faith. Plato A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better. Martin Luther King, Jr. The time is now…..

The best way out is always through. Robert Frost In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. Albert Einstein Be gentle and you be bold; be frugal and you can be liberal; avoid putting yourself before others and you can become a leader among men. Lao Tzu The time is now…..

Character is a diamond that scratches every other stone. Cyrus A. Bartol Storms make oaks take roots Proverb The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion Alexander Graham Bell The time is now…..

Factories provide three things this country desperately needs: jobs, pride, and material for Bruce Springsteen songs Jack, from the “Best ’30 Rock’ Quotes” The time is now.