All students who take a Subject Specific class are eligible to earn 0.5 of a Continuing Education Credits (CEU).
You must score 80% or higher to obtain a passing mark for the class. This completion entitles you to receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate will also highlight the number of CEU’s you have earned.
Remembering Phyllis Diller
With credit to the AP I once wore a peekaboo blouse. People would peek then they would boo I never made Who’s Who but I’m featured in What’s That? When I told Fang I was going to get my face lifted, he said, Who’d steal it? You know you’re old when your walker has an […]
Marketing Missiles v1.6
Why do your employees work for you? Three Harvard professors, Hesketh, Sasser and Schlesinger wrote a very definitive book called “The Service Profit Chain.” In it they posited that Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty delivered Service Value. That is the “thing” that customers “feel” when they do business with you. It is not about you or […]
Forecasting in this “wierd” world
For a number of decades econometric forecasting has been conducted by a couple of men named Fanter. First there was Dick and then along came Andy. Cyclcast and Intercast are the two groups that conduct the economic analysis. Never a precise science and one that is constantly being second guessed Andy faces the winds of […]
Parts Pondering v1.7
Let’s review the basics truths about a parts business and how it should operate. Ron’s Rules:- Ship every part that was ordered today Find every part that was ordered today Trans ship every backorder received today Put away all stocks received today And do all of these BEFORE you go home for the day. And […]
Friday Filosophy #25
Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself. Chinese Proverb Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. Dr. Seuss A fall into a ditch makes you wiser. Chinese Proverb
Service Statements v1.5
Telematics brings technology to our service business. For decades we have struggled with a declining market share of labor on construction, mining, forestry and light industrial equipment. In my experience this started accelerating in the early 1970’s. At the end of WWII most of the equipment manufacturers were specialists. There were tractor companies and loader […]