

Guest writer Andy Fanter returns tonight with a blog about people…not to worry, it’s a good thing. Connections and relationships with people matter, at work or outside of it.

Back in 2018 I hunted with a friend who manages thousands of acres for non-resident landowners. This involves mowing, planting food plots, building duck and deer blinds, airport transportation, caring for homes clients buy in area. My friend needed a strong number two, and I convinced him to hire a friend in the business that was looking to make a move. This year, my friend fired my friend—not surprised the guy he hired is good with people and good with the field work, and my friend hiring was more interested in “ labor” not a leader. I had not talked to my “ hired friend “ since 2020, but when his wife texted me the news that he was fired last week—I responded, “  Can I fix it? “  I was willing to make a two-hour drive to see if I could repair it—the consultant in me. My skilled friend already has another management job, so my offer was not needed.

Last week had me driving to take care of some business. I passed a recent ex-client headquarters enroute, but coming back I was passing it at 10 minutes before noon. I know my ex-client pretty well, we are even friends, I stopped and asked the front desk if he was around. She said “maybe,” and a successful hunt for him started. She was shocked that I just took a chance to see if he was around, but I have known this person 25 years. My friend was happy to see me, bought lunch, and our business relationship mended. We got caught up on 18 months of news. Some may know the name of the client—yes, we are both Gen X and more than a little opinionated!

Well great Andy—there are three people on earth who do not use a cuss word before your name….what does this have to do with construction machinery business and dealers? Never get too big, too mad, or too distant to try and help people. I say it often; the toughest clients to get are the ones you lost. But have you tried getting them back?

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