Multiple Languages: English, French, and Spanish.
I am quite excited to be able to address the subject of multiple languages for our learning Without Scars programs. We have started the process.
Last year we ran a French language prototype in Canada. It went well. As a result of that we have established a time line and are working with a profession translator to get all our classes translated. We are starting with the Parts Business. We are in process to have all of the Subject Specific classes translated in 2020. That is 80 classes. We will then build out the remainder of the programs.
From the French prototype we have established a Spanish prototype and are working through the process in the same manner in which we did the work in French.
We have also recognized the value of our Skills Assessments and have all of the Skills Assessments done for English, French and Spanish. This approach is allowing us to redesign the leaning programs to the individual employee needs. (We will touch on that in the summer when we are completely revamping our web site to make it more user friendly)
These are exciting times for us and I am sure many of you know of my work in Europe and South America and Africa over the years. French and Spanish will open up those geographic areas to all of our learning programs.
So we continue to push the ball up the hill and expand the offerings.
The Time is Now.