An Update Just For You – Our Quarterly Newsletter
On July 1st 2021 we published our first Newsletter. We were very excited to get it completed. We put a button on our website for visitors to Sign Up for it and we received a modest, but significant, interest in the first Newsletter. Thank you for all of you who did Sign Up. For those of you who are interested and have not yet signed up for it you can access the Newsletter Library from the Resources tab on the website, We are working on the upcoming Fall version on October 1, 2021 now. It features many inputs from the readers of our first one. Don’t miss out. Sign up to receive it automatically in your inbox by clicking on the Sign-Up button on our website.
Our goal with the Newsletter is clear – to continue to transfer information and knowledge to the operational people and leaders in the Capital Goods Industries. To accomplish this, we have split the Newsletter into a series of sections: –
- Person of Interest
- Aloha a Learning Without Scars Introduction
- The Parts Business
- The Service Business
- Product Support Selling and Marketing
- The Business of Business
- Lifelong Learning.
The Fall Newsletter will be sent to you with a link for the Parts, Service, Product Support Selling and Marketing and the Business of Business sections Clicking on the links will enable you to receive a file of the Newsletter content in a .pdf format. This should make it easier for you to distribute to your co-workers. On a side note, you can get them to sign up for it themselves and you won’t need to have the .pdf link at all. It is these individual sections that we are creating for our readers so that they will be able to have easier access to the specific content thoughts and ideas for their consideration.
We hope that you will share the appropriate sections with other employees in your business. Have them read it and then set some time where you and the team can discuss it. This is part of the ongoing work of leading and enabling a team of people to continue their individual growth. Communications on matters of common interest. We have provided the content such that there are thought provoking ideas and suggestions in each section. Plus, don’t forget that everything we mention we have implemented around the world for the past forty years. Where you find items that might make a difference in your business. Select items you want to focus on and implement change. Talk with your team, assign a project leader, establish the what-how-when-with whom plan, and then set up a schedule for the implementation. That is one of our mail goals with the Newsletter – provide content which causes teams of people to think about any changes they could or should make to affect the work of the employees and make it more rewarding as they continue to satisfy the needs and wants of your customers.
In our Lifelong Learning Section, we provide you with suggestions for applicable and pertinent books to read. This has been a normal practice of mine, for many years, either as a leader in a dealership or in my consulting practice. Pick a book that you think will resonate most with your team. Buy the book for everyone in that team, that is a very inexpensive training cost. Give everyone a month to read the book. Set up a date where the group will meet, either face to face or via a Zoom/Teams type virtual meeting platform. Talk about the book. What did they learn? What did they find of interest? Talk about it. This is about encouraging every member on your team to try and become better both professionally and personally.
Our mission in Learning Without Scars is very straightforward: assist each individual, we touch, in the identification of their personal or professional potential. Once that potential has been identified then we want to be involved in the creation of a plan of action whereby each individual can get on a path to achieving that potential. This is not easy work. Growing as an individual is not easy work either. Believe me I work at it all the time.
If you look at the world around us and understand that change is a given and that the rate of change is accelerating then you will understand why we believe this is of critical importance to each and every one of us. Aim I aiming too high? No one has every accused me of thinking small. What do you think?
The time is now.