
Hire Slow and Wait… Just a Minute Before You Fire Fast

Guest writer Floyd Jerkins walks us through the process of hiring and firing in a way that transcends industries in Hire Slow and Wait… Just a Minute Before You Fire Fast.

If you’re responsible for direct reports, then you’ve heard the hire slow and fire fast statement. Yea, you may have even heard that from me over the years. Before you actually pull the trigger, I’d like to ask you to consider a few things.

Should Management Be Fired First?

I am a huge proponent that you make sure that management has done their jobs right before firing someone. Firing someone who’s had a poor manager or having been managed by a poor set of systems and processes is like knowing your car is nearly out of gas and getting on a turnpike and blaming someone else for not putting gas in the car. It’s a recipe for failure and disappointment. Who’s really responsible?

In assessing an organization, I would interview key employees. One of the questions centered around their understanding of their job description. I was always curious to learn how close the description is to what they really do. It was alarming how many employees didn’t have one or if they did, it didn’t relate to their job functions.

Accurate Job Descriptions and Orientation Steps

One of the very basics is to have a current job description that properly matches what you want the employee to do. This is a guidepost to not only their performance but setting expectations. It is also the baseline of a performance review.

The start of creating a good or even great employee is when they are new. In the interview, you may have said how great your company is and how well everyone gets along. As soon as the new employee is unleashed into your business, the realities are exposed. Old employees will tell new ones the strangest things.

Make sure the new employee receives a proper orientation. They are already dealing with a new job, a new way to drive to work, and a host of other issues. Make it easy for them to assimilate into the business. Show them the lay of the land. Introduce them to all the key players. You might even consider not having them perform in the role until they get settled in.

Every new hire needs to be frequently evaluated. You want to make course corrections early on, so you do not allow bad habits to settle in. Also, be cautious about the volume of pointing out the negatives. You have to find successes and highlight the positive behaviors to help with the new hire’s phycological aspects.

In the orientation, offer a dedicated systemic feedback system. Depending on your cultural issues, this needs to be in a formal and informal style. What you want to create is an open communication process where this employee can ask questions or verify certain systems or procedures.

Was there enough coaching to bring them along? Did we hire them for the wrong position, and could they be better doing something else for us? Should we set them free? All these kinds of questions need to be asked before you fire.

Why Did You Wait to Fire Someone?

Normally, when you decide to let someone go, it’s came after a long time of evaluating and talking, and well, it can become exhausting. If you think you should have fired someone months ago, you are probably right. Why didn’t you? Did you think that there would be some miracle?

Firing fast is all about making the decisions you should have made. But it should always come after you’ve made an honest evaluation of whether or not the management team has done their jobs right. 

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The Great Reshuffle: How to Retain Top Talent

Guest writer Sonya Law tackles on of the challenges facing businesses today: how to retain your top talent in the face of what is being called the great reshuffle.

The great resignation: could it best be described as the great reshuffle?

It’s true that there has always been staff turnover, so the great resignation is not new, however the reasons for leaving and staying are!

So how do we retain our talent?

  1. Career discussions: We need to be proactive in talking with employees, to discuss their career aspirations or a recruiter will have this conversation for you!
  2. Training: Employees want to learn and grow.  Be prepared to invest in their personal and professional development and ask them an open question: What do you CARE about?
  3. Purpose & EVP: They want clarity on the purpose of the company and align themselves with it. We need to know what our company’s Employee Value Proposition is in order to attract and retain staff, furthermore, we need to believe it and articulate it with authenticity. Ask yourself the question: What do you CARE about?
  4. Empathy: Employees want a manager that CARES for their wellbeing. We need to have a holistic approach to the wellness of employees, both physically and mentally. This will require a budget for the investment into structured wellness programs that detects, monitor and support the wellbeing of staff. What is your financial investment into employee wellbeing?
  5. Leadership: Hiring and educating our mid-level (branch) managers – we know the top reason that employees leave is because of their manager. We need to hire managers who have good leadership skills and educate our existing managers on how to evolve and become better leaders. When was the last time you engaged in leadership training or coaching?
  6. Value: Visibility of leadership and valuing its people is critical in retaining talent, it is also having the conversation with a resigning employee, to ask the reasons why they are leaving and to ask them to stay. Try to keep them!

We are only as good as our people and our team without our employees we do not have a business.  It’s important we understand as HR and Leaders, what are the roadblocks in our businesses and where do our employees need support.  Its having a difficult conversation about an employment contract that needs to be sorted, so that we can get on with business.  All too often we get sidetracked on what it is we think we should do, what leaders DO is focus on the right things.

When, we are put in a position of leadership it is to serve, it is to understand what is needed to get business done and achieve our goals together as a team.  Gone are the days where apathy is a defense or I don’t like conflict is used as an excuse for not having uncomfortable but necessary conversations.

As leaders we need to be addressing issues and people who don’t fit or risk losing talent.

Post Pandemic, employees are looking for:

  • Autonomy about when and where they work.
  • Flexibility to do LIFE, to spend time with their partners, family, pet’s and be connected to the community in which they live.
  • Clarity on what is their passion, what gives them joy, fulfillment and align their life with it. This is the new work life, do LIFE balance!

The entrepreneurial life:

The most interesting reason, that employees are leaving is to pursue their own start up’s, creating businesses that align with their passion and are becoming entrepreneurs.

  • Forbes reported statistics that in the US, new business applications are up 95% according to the Census Bureau.
  • France is up 20% according to McKinsey.
  • Japan is up 14%, in the UK are up 30% according to National Statistical Office.

Jobs in most demand are seeing increases in salaries of up to 30-40%:

The great reshuffle has also pushed up wages because of the lack of supply of seasonal labour and good candidates, due to a candidate short market.

The industries most affected and experiencing this great re-shuffle and increase in salaries are:

  • Human Resources
  • Information technology
  • Accountancy, Legal and Finance.

Compliance is a constraint on time:

The biggest roadblock HR and leaders are facing in retaining its talent is the constraints on time to invest in these initiatives, so much of the role is about compliance due to Pandemic and Vaccinations.

We know though that if we take proactive and positive steps to engage with our employees our businesses will thrive!

“Take the time to look after your people and they will take time to look after your business.”

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