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68 search results for: Safety
What would you give for safety?
What would you give for safety? Guest writer Dan Kinsman is asking you consider best practices in today’s blog post, asking you to consider, “What would you give for safety?” I have recently noticed an increase in load shifts, damage, and improper securement of loads of bricks/cement blocks, it led me to ask, “what would […]
Imagine a world where flatbed transportation operates with the utmost safety, compliance, and efficiency
Imagine a world where flatbed transportation operates with the utmost safety, compliance, and efficiency Learning Without Scars is pleased to introduce our new guest writers, Dan Shipley and Dan Kinsman. Today brings their first blog post for us here at LWS, with “Imagine a world where flatbed transportation operates with the utmost safety, compliance, and […]
Safety Lessons: From Social Media and Complacency
Safety Lessons: From Social Media and Complacency Guest writer Bill Pyles joins us this week with a blog that doubles as an OSHA Consultation in “Safety Lessons: From Social Media and Complacency.” In my opinion, there are two serious threats to the safety of workers regardless of the industry you’re in. They are social media […]
Safety First! But, Why?!
Safety First! But, Why?! Guest writer Bill Pyles tackles OSHA regulations in his guest blog entitled “Safety First! But, Why?!” Summer is here and this time of year I’d put some notes together for the next team meeting to give a safety update; specifically, how to recognize heat stroke. I cannot say enough about OSHA’s […]
The Blurry Lines of Blame: Psychological Safety in the Workplace…
The Blurry Lines of Blame: Psychological Safety in the Workplace… Guest writer Sonya Law is here to enlighten us again from the world of Human Resources with her latest blog post, “The Blurry Lines of Blame: Psychological Safety in the Workplace…” “Be the leader that you wish you had, when we become a leader, it […]
The Aftermath: Who is to Blame, Microsoft or CrowdStrike or both?
The Aftermath: Who is to Blame, Microsoft or CrowdStrike or both? Guest writer Kevin Landers asks the question we all have asked after the recent CrowdStrike failures in, “The Aftermath: Who is to Blame, Microsoft or CrowdStrike or both?” The recent lawsuit and threat of additional legal action by Delta has left many questioning who […]