All students who take a Subject Specific class are eligible to earn 0.5 of a Continuing Education Credits (CEU).
You must score 80% or higher to obtain a passing mark for the class. This completion entitles you to receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate will also highlight the number of CEU’s you have earned.
Continual Individual Employee Development
Continual Individual Employee Development One of the challenges we face as a society today, which is in my opinion the most daunting of all, is the ability that we have, as employers, to find, attract, hire and retain talented employees. As an employee in this environment there are also serious challenges. The world is changing […]
Thank You for a Transformative 2019
Thank You for a Transformative 2019 I would like to personally extend to you all of the best for the holiday season. Further I wish all of you the best year end closing one decade, the 2019s and opening another decade, the 2020s. Happy New Year. We have had a very significant year at Learning […]
Making Education Relevant
Making Education Relevant Sebastian Thrun viewed by many as the father on internet-based learning notes that only 10% of the online students actually complete the classes when they are free. So now he charges for his courses. Although the results on completion are much better when the students have to pay something, I believe that […]
Disruptive Activities in Learning
Disruptive Activities in Learning Internet based learning will be viewed as one of the most significant disruptive forces for the human race. For our purposes here I am going to suggest it started with Salman Khan and his Khan Academy. In 2008 a not for profit educational organizational organization was started with the aim of […]
Teaching on the Internet
Teaching on the Internet Early in my career I taught education classes at McGill University in the Physical education Faculty. I was teaching potential coaches and teachers on how to teach. Obviously, it was about teaching to a curriculum but in my mind, teaching people has always been about helping people understand how to teach […]
The Science of Successful Learning
The Science of Successful Learning There are many things that people can do for themselves in order to learn better and remember longer. We have to remember that the responsibility for learning rests with each and every individual. Teachers and coaches, too, can be more effective right now by helping their students understand these principles […]