Socrates Says

Badges and Socrates Continued: A Look at the Big Picture Last week, we took a look at the price tag attached to formal university education, and the reality of the “brand” driving the costs. Now we turn to Mark Kamlet, the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. He talks about the changes in the school […]

Badges, Socrates, and Education Today The following comes from a book called The End of College by Kevin Carey which is background information for the internet-based learning environment. One of the struggles in the changing world of education is the recognition of alternative methods of learning. In each of the traditional Universities and Colleges and […]

Reflections We have written over the past three or four weeks about coaching and leadership. Perhaps it is time to reflect a bit on this. It all starts with each of us wanting to do a good job. That comes from active and passive participation in the work that we do and the life that […]

Coaching is Critical Leadership, which is a required aspect or skill of management, cannot be done successfully without the leader being a great coach. Being a great coach means that you are a terrific communicator. However, time becomes your enemy. You really will never have enough time to provide pertinent feedback to your direct reports. […]

Coaching We are constantly looking to our clients to help us determine what additional learning classes we should create. We get a lot of very good suggestions. Recently, I was asked to create selling skills classes for service management and supervision, foremen and customer contact personnel. We are creating those classes now. Another suggestion from […]

e-Learning Twenty years ago, in 1999, John Chambers, then CEO of CISCO Systems said, “Education over the internet is going to make email usage look like a rounding error.” The renowned Clairmont Professor and business guru thought that “Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.” As those of you who […]