Socrates Says

Many of you know that I often say that I don’t really believe one person can motivate another person. BUT. I do believe that any person can demotivate any other person. I really resent when on person demotivates another person. We need to respect each other and have respect for the dignity of work. Do […]

Well I enjoyed Independence Day and I hope you did as well. Then we had an interruption in life with some surprise surgery in the family. Everything is going well again and we are back to our Friday Filosophy #2016-26. We continue to see the attack on the status quo in Turkey tonight and hope […]

What a week! Starting last Sunday with Father’s Day. That followed our comments on the status quo and disruption. And we were given a gift on Thursday with Brexit. Not a gift in the manner in which you are thinking, but in the manner of following the thoughts on status quo and disruption. I believe […]

One of the most special gifts I received in my life has been fatherhood. My daughter is a very special woman. (I am sure she will poo poo this when she reads it but it is true.)  Although with my work and the travel it entailed it was difficult at times, as I missed things. […]

Last week we talked about the status quo. Now, in Friday Filosophy #2016-23, I want to move to technological disruptions. Conventional wisdom, which is another oxymoron for the status quo, states that disruptive technologies change everything.  Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen see disruptive technologies upsetting apple carts all over the globe.   Here are […]

We just had a dismal jobs report posted yet the jobless rate continues going down. This just highlights the visible disconnect between “government” metrics and real life. The job participation rate is 62.6% :nearly at a forty year low. There are 94.7 million people who are outside the labor force. How dismal is that. Perspective […]