Socrates Says

With all the data available to us and the lack for many of us of acquiring information, we should look at the branch of Mathematics called Statistics. With statistics you are able, amongst other things, to predict events or activities. It is all based on probability theory. I won’t bore you with the details of […]

With the advent of the cloud and other forms of computing such as ASP’s we have perhaps lost sight of a huge transformation that is taking place right in front of our face. In the year 2000 about 25% of all data was digitized and in fact 2002 was the first year that there was […]

Many of you already know of my requirement for an inspection prior to any work being performed on equipment needing repairs. The customer makes known to us what they have as their complaint. This reasonably standard operating procedures. They call or come in and tell us what they want done. Many of you also know […]

It appears the markets watched… reacted…. adjusted…. and now have studied. The results continue to erode. Greece seems to be ready to leave the Eurozone and French Socialists will be disappointed when Hollande bows to the inevitable and restores austerity with a different perfume. Bernanke is on record now telling Congress to pay attention to the […]

We are considering bringing back the Product Support Selling Programs in 2013. Does anyone in the United States or Canada have an interest in these programs?

The service department is a much misunderstood group of highly skilled prefessionals. One of these days they will get the appreication they deserve but in the meantime we need to continue to raise the bar on their performance and image. One of the methods we could use would be to track quality. each week that […]