All students who take a Subject Specific class are eligible to earn 0.5 of a Continuing Education Credits (CEU).
You must score 80% or higher to obtain a passing mark for the class. This completion entitles you to receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate will also highlight the number of CEU’s you have earned.
A Greek Tragedy
Well the early returns indicate that both parties that led the country back from the brink with austerity and international bailouts are being punished and that there will be no clear winner in the election today. This will cause further turmoil. Isn’t that what is needed now? Not. We are witnessing a “New Reality” which […]
Tempting Conclusion
In the absence of a clear decisive leadship people will do what they think is the right thing. Bennis says that “good leaders are not outsiders who cheer on a group. They are part of that group, integrated deeply into its fabric and emotional life.” This might give some insight on France. “Someone who views […]
France Decides – One down five to go
We will be embarking on potentially a new direction involving more spending and more debt. I wonder how the markets will react. The time is now.
Book of the Week Follow Up Comment
Alex Rogo goes through a radical transformation in operations in order to succeed. The keys are reporting criteria in use. The definitions of the goals and objectives and the tracking mechanisms. Many times our measures lead us astray. This is true with all KPI’s (Key Performance Measures) and everything used in Dashboard management Tools. care […]
France, Greece, Serbia, Germany, Italy and Armenia
Today is a very significant day in Europe. What with the orbit of the moon putting us the closest we have been in decades and the earth shattering potential with European elections everyone should be tuned in to the results. Expect the unexpected and the continuation of the kicking the can down the road to future […]
How did you like the Perspective talk? Life is pretty simple isn’t it? It is people that screw it up. The time is now….