All students who take a Subject Specific class are eligible to earn 0.5 of a Continuing Education Credits (CEU).
You must score 80% or higher to obtain a passing mark for the class. This completion entitles you to receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate will also highlight the number of CEU’s you have earned.
Does Anyone Know the Skills Required For a Job?
Does Anyone Know the Skills Required For a Job? When you first seek employment, do you know all of the ins and outs of the job you’re applying to do? Founder and managing member Ron Slee takes a look at skills in his learning post for this week: Does Anyone Know the Skills Required For […]
Friday Filosophy v.08.05.2022
Friday Filosophy v.08.05.2022 In Friday Filosophy v.08.05.2022, founder and managing member Ron Slee shares quotes and thoughts for consideration from Aeschylus. Aeschylus was born in c. 525 BC in Eleusis, a small town about 27 km northwest of Athens, in the fertile valleys of western Attica. Some scholars argue that his date of birth may be based on counting back […]
Safety First! But, Why?!
Safety First! But, Why?! Guest writer Bill Pyles tackles OSHA regulations in his guest blog entitled “Safety First! But, Why?!” Summer is here and this time of year I’d put some notes together for the next team meeting to give a safety update; specifically, how to recognize heat stroke. I cannot say enough about OSHA’s […]
The Basics of Marketing, how to avoid the “What were they thinking” Moments
The Basics of Marketing, How to Avoid the “What were they thinking” Moments Guest writer Bonnie Feigenbaum introduces her lecture series with this debut blog post: The Basics of Marketing, how to avoid the “What were they thinking” Moments. Marketing is all about creating a connection between your company and your customer, a permanent place […]
Lifelong Learners
Lifelong Learners In this week’s blog on education, curriculum designer and writer Caroline Slee-Poulos shares the big picture of why we do what we do: lifelong learners. In education, we like to express the most important goal of any classroom as creating lifelong learners. This takes shape in different ways at different ages. At the […]
Friday Filosophy v.07.29.2022
Friday Filosophy v.07.29.2022 Founder and managing member Ron Slee shares quotes and thoughts for consideration from Aesop, the fable writer, in Friday Filosophy v.07.29.2022. Aesop, 620–564 BCE, was a Greek fabulist and storyteller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop’s Fables. Although his existence remains unclear and no writings by him survive, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across […]