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39 search results for: Turnover


The Return on Investment

The Return on Investment This week brings our fourth blog post from Don Shilling. As we continue the discussion on “Growing Your Own” employees probably one of the most asked questions I get is if our company invests in a tuition reimbursement program for a sponsored future employee or in an Apprenticeship or Mentorship Program […]


Skilled & Knowledgeable Employees Pay for Themselves

Skilled and Knowledgeable Employees Pay for Themselves. During this difficult time, the ability to restrict discretionary expenses has been quite easy. Stop it. Go back to 2019 and you will also find an attitude of restricting the investment in employee development other than for technicians. We forget that skilled & knowledgeable employees pay for themselves. […]


A Guest Blog from Ed Gordon

“Ignoring America’s Talent Desert Won’t Solve the Problem!”   Reports of talent shortages continue to proliferate: The National Association of Manufacturers reported an all-time record high of over 500,000 vacant positions (September 2019). A National Association of Home Builders Survey found that over half of contractors had shortages in 12 of the 16 categories of […]


Webinar April 9th, 2014

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about some of the latest and greatest practices in the Parts Business. Register now for this webinar. It takes place at 9:00 AM Pacific Best Practices – WP7 With standards of performance we dealt with what it looks like when it is right. With Best Practices we aim for […]


Parts Best Practices Webinar – March 20th @ 9:00 AM Pacific

Wednesday is when the action is on best practices. Don’t miss it. With standards of performance we dealt with what it looks like when it is right. With Best Practices we aim for performance excellence. What is it that the most successful dealers are doing to achieve excellence? This is discussed in detail in this […]


Parts Pondering v1.6

There has been a conflict within several suppliers regarding stock orders. Should we offer daily stock orders? Should we allow stock orders weekly or some other frequency? Let’s examine the basics. The lead time, the replenishment of an inventory, contains in it the time that exists between stock order cycles.  If the stock orders happen […]