How Dealers Can Better Understand Their Customers

How Dealers Can Better Understand Their Customers

Guest writer Debbie Frakes shares a blog this week to further highlight the importance of the customer satisfaction survey in, “How Dealers Can Better Understand Their Customers.”

One of the most powerful tools that equipment dealers have at their disposal is customer satisfaction surveys. They are the best method for understanding what you are currently doing very well and where you need to improve. These surveys provide insights into what your customers think about your products, services, and processes, and they will uncover any issues that need to be addressed.

How customer satisfaction surveys will benefit your business

  • Increase customer retention by 30% – 40%.
  • Identify problems quickly.
  • Show your customers that you care, creating stronger relationships.

If you’re on the fence about conducting customer satisfaction phone surveys, consider the statistics. Dealerships that regularly survey their customers typically see a 30% to 40% increase in customer retention compared to those that don’t. The reason is that the dealers who conduct surveys can fine-tune every aspect of their business—whether it’s equipment service, sales, rentals, or parts—by quickly solving problems as they hear about them from their customers through surveys.

Phone surveys by an outside company help you pinpoint points of stress or difficulty before customers decide to take their business elsewhere. Often, customers with recurring issues won’t voice their concerns directly; they’ll just leave. However, when a third party contacts them by phone to ask about their experience, customers provide candid feedback.

Why conduct surveys over the phone?

Phone surveys are particularly effective for gathering customer feedback, because they generally yield better response rates than email surveys. Our partner Winsby, for example, reaches a customer on every third call, and 97% of those they reach agree to participate in the survey. That’s a far cry from email surveys, where a 2% response rate is considered good. Another advantage of phone surveys is their interactivity; customers can elaborate on their concerns, and the caller can ask follow up questions. With email surveys, it’s often unclear whether the recipients even read the questions!

It’s also a good idea to use an external party to conduct the surveys, rather than someone at your dealership. Customers are usually more forthcoming with an outsider, and they may feel more comfortable discussing issues with someone they haven’t worked with directly.

How customer satisfaction surveys work

Our partner, Winsby, conducts phone surveys for many different equipment dealers across the country. Their first step is to create a calling script tailored to the key areas that matter most to your customers. For equipment dealers, these areas often include things like service responsiveness, parts availability, rental equipment performance, and new machine delivery time.

Once your script is ready, a specific number of customers are surveyed each month. That number is typically 10% of the number of invoices for the month for individual customers. Their callers then record all responses and promptly follow up on any negative feedback. Finally, they will communicate any issues identified to the relevant departments at the dealership quickly, so they can make it right with the customer and correct the situation to avoid recurring problems.

Winsby’s customer satisfaction surveys will help you improve every area of your business, retain customers that you are at risk of losing, and build stronger relationships with the companies you work with. It’s all about discovering problems and fixing them before they escalate and turn into customers leaving and speaking negatively about your dealership.

Contact Winsby today to start conducting customer satisfaction surveys!

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Beyond the Annual Review: Emphasizing Continuous Feedback

Beyond the Annual Review: Emphasizing Continuous Feedback

Guest writer Kurt Pease offers a blog on how to lead in your business in, “Beyond the Annual Review: Emphasizing Continuous Feedback.”

For years I dreaded my performance annual review, fearing a negative evaluation. I worked hard throughout the year, but due to a lack of timely feedback, I was uncertain if my efforts were aligned with the company’s goals. What once were lofty goals outlined at the beginning of the year often become overshadowed by the daily whirlwind of urgent tasks and responsibilities. To be blunt, I found that annual reviews were outdated and ineffective. 

As I transitioned into management roles, I quickly realized that a fundamental change was imperative. Instead of relying on infrequent yearly evaluations, I knew we needed to embrace ongoing conversations and collaboratively set achievable goals with my team. This shift not only enhances accountability but also fosters deeper engagement among team members. At the end of my career, I felt that I still had work to do, but the following changes helped me feel better about this important responsibility. 

  1. Employee Buy-In is Vital

One of the first lessons I learned in this process is the critical importance of employee buy-in. Goals set from the top down, without input from those who will be working to achieve them, are often met with resistance. By actively involving employees in the goal-setting process, we foster a culture of ownership and accountability. When team members feel their voices matter, their commitment to the goals increases significantly. It’s not just about compliance; it’s about a shared vision that everyone feels invested in.

  1. Aligning Company and Individual Goals

Another crucial step in this journey was breaking down broad company objectives into specific, actionable items for each employee. Clear alignment between individual and organizational goals ensures that every team member is striving towards a unified purpose. For instance, instead of setting a vague target like “increase revenue,” we worked on specific, measurable goals, such as “acquire four new customers per month.” This clarity provides a roadmap for success and helps team members understand how their contributions affect the bigger picture.

  1. Regular One-on-One Meetings

I started placing monthly one-hour appointments on my team’s calendars. Regular one-on-one meetings serve as a vital platform for open communication between me and employees. These meetings offer an opportunity to address challenges as they arise and allow for timely updates on progress toward goals. Instead of waiting for an annual review, team members can receive ongoing feedback, making performance management a daily part of our work culture.

Through these discussions, we have transformed performance management from a daunting event into a constructive and growth-oriented process. Employees feel more comfortable expressing their concerns and seeking guidance, which ultimately leads to better performance outcomes.

  1. Documentation of Conversations and Progress

To ensure that meaningful progress is being made, it’s essential to document conversations and track goal progress over time. Not only does this create accountability, but it also helps us visualize how we are moving towards our objectives. Utilizing project management tools like Trello has allowed me to effectively manage my team’s projects while providing a clear picture of collaborative efforts. I wished I had utilized this platform much earlier in my career. Not only did it help me become a more efficient manager, but also helped me become a highly organized employee. For example, during my own one-on-ones with my supervisor, having visibility into progress has been immensely beneficial. Together, we prioritize activities based on what’s most pressing, ensuring that we are making the best use of our time and resources. This transparency is crucial in fostering a collaborative team environment.

  1. Dynamic Goals Throughout the Year

One of the most significant shifts in my approach is the understanding that goals should be dynamic rather than static. As the business landscape evolves, so should our objectives too. Regularly reviewing and adjusting performance targets ensures that they remain relevant and challenging. This flexibility allows us to experiment and innovate, adapting our strategies to meet changing circumstances.

Encouraging an adaptive mindset promotes resilience within the team, empowering employees to pivot when necessary and explore new pathways to success.


By embracing continuous feedback and collaborative goal setting, I felt that I cultivated a work environment that is more engaged, productive, and fulfilling. The journey from annual reviews to a culture of continuous feedback and collaboration has been transformative, highlighting the importance of nurturing relationships and fostering a sense of ownership among team members. This proactive approach not only enhances performance but also helps create a positive workplace culture where employees feel valued and inspired to excel. 

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The Aftermath: Who is to Blame, Microsoft or CrowdStrike or both?

The Aftermath: Who is to Blame, Microsoft or CrowdStrike or both?

Guest writer Kevin Landers asks the question we all have asked after the recent CrowdStrike failures in, “The Aftermath: Who is to Blame, Microsoft or CrowdStrike or both?”

The recent lawsuit and threat of additional legal action by Delta has left many questioning who should be held accountable: Microsoft, CrowdStrike, or both?

You have to be living under a rock not to have heard about the incident. In mid-July, a significant IT outage affected 8.5 million Microsoft Windows machines, resulting in operational and financial damages estimated in the billions of dollars.

The Fallout Begins: Legal Actions and Blame Game

As the dust begins to settle, the next phase in such incidents, the lawsuit stage, has commenced. Shareholders have already filed at least one class action lawsuit against CrowdStrike, and Delta Air Lines might soon join the fray. In an interview with CNBC, Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian revealed that the July 19th outage, triggered by a CrowdStrike update, cost his company half a billion dollars over five days. The airline had to cancel over 5,000 flights, and blue error screens were visible at airports days after the initial crash. Delta incurred significant costs, including physically resetting over 40,000 servers and compensating affected travelers.

Where Does the Responsibility Lie?

The primary question now is: who is to blame for this fiasco?

CrowdStrike’s Accountability

At the forefront of the controversy is CrowdStrike, whose apparent negligence led to the cybersecurity provider pushing a kernel-accessing content update through flawed QA-testing software. The criticism directed at CrowdStrike is severe and, many argue, well-deserved. Their oversight caused substantial operational disruptions and will likely face significant legal repercussions.

Microsoft’s Role

Microsoft’s role in this incident is also under scrutiny. However, the situation isn’t as straightforward. To understand this, it is essential to delve into the background of how Microsoft’s developer tools work.

Microsoft provides developers with various layers of access to the operating system, from high-level UI features to low-level system kernel functions. This tiered access system has traditionally ensured the safety of Windows desktop applications. However, a 2009 EU regulatory ruling forced Microsoft to grant third parties more kernel access, aiming to create a level playing field between third-party security vendors and Microsoft’s own products.

Opinions and Arguments

Argument 1: Microsoft’s Limited Accountability

Some argue that Microsoft cannot be held fully accountable, as they were compelled by regulatory requirements to provide more kernel access. The company was forced into a position where it had to allow third-party developers, including security vendors, the same access as its own products. From this perspective, Microsoft’s hands were tied, and the responsibility for the flawed update lies squarely with CrowdStrike.

Argument 2: Microsoft’s Responsibility

On the other hand, some contend that Microsoft still had a responsibility to ensure the safety and integrity of kernel-level code. Critics argue that Microsoft should have implemented more rigorous testing or alternative approaches, such as creating an out-of-kernel API for security vendors to use. The fact that a flawed update could cause such widespread damage suggests a lapse in Microsoft’s oversight.

The Broader Implications

This situation raises broader questions about Microsoft’s approach to software development. Has the company prioritized feature cramming and quick releases over quality, testing, and maintenance? The incident with CrowdStrike might indicate a shift in focus that could have far-reaching implications for the software giant and its users.

Conclusion: A Prolonged Legal Battle Ahead

As the legal proceedings unfold, it is clear that this will be a lengthy and complex case. Both CrowdStrike and Microsoft will likely face intense scrutiny as the courts determine who bears the ultimate responsibility. The outcome will not only affect these companies but also set a precedent for how similar cases might be handled in the future.

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The Data Insight Dispatch!

The Data Insight Dispatch!

Luke Komiskey is the Founder & CEO of DataDrive, a data consultancy providing managed analytics services. He shares here his first blog post for Learning Without Scars, “The Data Insight Dispatch!”

 Too often, organizations lean on manual, cumbersome spreadsheets for decision-making. With an ongoing partnership, DataDrive helps growing mid-sized organizations transform their disparate, messy data into insight – providing both the reporting platform and data team for delivering faster, informed decisions.

 Over the last 9 years, Luke has grown DataDrive into a worldwide team of highly skilled data professionals serving over 250 organizations including media agencies, public school systems, manufacturers, and more.

The Data Insight Dispatch!

This month, we dive into the journey and insights of Luke Komiskey, a data analytics expert who has navigated from corporate America to the adventurous realm of global travel with his wife. Now, he shares invaluable lessons on the transformative power of data analytics and its critical role in shaping the future of business and education.

A Journey from Corporate Life to World Exploration

Luke Komiskey’s narrative is one of transformation. Leaving behind the confines of corporate America, he and his wife embarked on a global journey before settling down to start a family. This adventure not only broadened his horizons but also deepened his understanding of data analytics’ potential to provide clarity in a world inundated with information.

The Heart of Data Analytics

Komiskey underscores the pivotal role of data analytics in helping business leaders navigate vast amounts of data. He highlights a key challenge: the integration and analysis of data from disparate sources. To truly leverage data, Komiskey advocates for a consolidated, trusted source that empowers informed decision-making. Dispelling common misconceptions, he emphasizes that flashy dashboards alone do not signify successful data use. Instead, he points to the extensive effort required to transform chaotic data into actionable insights.

The Evolution and Challenges of Data

Reflecting on his career, Komiskey shares early experiences in data processing and the intricacies of managing a parts business. He stresses the importance of rigorous software testing and a deep understanding of data analytics beyond surface-level metrics. He explores how historical shifts in commerce and technology have shaped the evolution of data analytics, offering insights into its transformative impact on business practices.

The Generational Divide and Future Trends

Komiskey notes a generational divide in adapting to innovation, with smaller businesses often leading the charge. As focus shifts from data analytics to artificial intelligence, he stresses the importance of leveraging data to maintain market positions through effective algorithm development. Despite technological advancements, many organizations still rely on outdated systems like Excel, highlighting a slow adoption of modern solutions.

Addressing Workforce Skills Gaps

Looking to the future, Komiskey deems data analytics crucial for addressing workforce skills gaps. With predictions that half the workforce may lack employable skills by 2030, he raises concerns about increased government dependency and critiques the inadequate focus on adult education. Komiskey categorizes the workforce into three groups: driven and curious, those with limited choices, and those uncertain about their future, positing that data analytics could provide much-needed guidance.

Education and Community Development

In his work with school districts, Komiskey manages applications related to student performance, emphasizing the need for holistic assessment and early intervention. He critiques the decline of physical education and educational priorities, shares experiences from teaching in Singapore, and reflects on community development. He discusses how data analytics can influence job perceptions and the necessity of critical thinking in an ever-changing world.

Embracing Change and Adaptation

Komiskey concludes with a call to action for embracing change and adaptation. He acknowledges the impact of automation and robotics on jobs, emphasizing the need for reskilling to adapt to new realities. By focusing on personal growth rather than mere productivity in performance reviews, he advocates for a more resilient and forward-thinking workforce.

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Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire… BS.

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire… BS.

This post is a reprint of the article by the same name by Rich Cruz.

Antiquated Hiring Philosophy May Hamper Growth

Recently, I applied and interviewed for an open executive position at a well-established company in the construction industry. Despite its success and expansion, my experience with their hiring process raised serious concerns. After nearly two months of waiting for my first interview and being told the hiring decision wouldn’t be made for at least two more months in the future, I underwent three interviews and was asked to produce a detailed 30, 60, and 90-day plan. Excited to move to the next level, I submitted a high-level outline of a plan via email, explaining that I cannot deliver a full plan without knowing more about the company through examining and analyzing data. The hiring manager insisted on a full PowerPoint presentation, and he coupled his request with the statement, “I am slow to hire and quick to fire.” This led me to withdraw from the process. This phrase, often touted in business owner coaching or peer-group circles, prompted me to delve into why it might have some fundamental flaws.


The Myth of “Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire”


The phrase “slow to hire, quick to fire” has its roots in the belief that thorough hiring processes ensure better employee fit and swift terminations minimize the impact of poor hires. Proponents argue that this approach leads to a more productive and harmonious workplace. Indeed, some literature supports this philosophy, such as articles from Harvard Business Review and Forbes. However, from an Industrial-Organizational Psychology perspective, this approach can pose a detrimental threat to both individual and organizational performance. While hiring for fit for a position with a company should involve rigor, too many assessments, interviews, work samples, or other forms of evaluation can reduce the pool of candidates and pose risks to the organization.


The Downside of “Slow to Hire”


An unbalanced approach that does not emphasize timely and efficient hiring processes can create detriments for both employees and organizations. Some drawbacks include:


  1. Talent Drain: Lengthy hiring processes can lead to the loss of top talent. High-caliber candidates often have multiple opportunities and may not wait months for a decision. As Peter Drucker famously noted, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Creating a future with top talent requires swift, decisive action.
  2. Increased Costs: Prolonged vacancies can result in significant costs in terms of lost productivity and the expenses associated with extended recruitment efforts. According to Kouzes and Posner, effective leadership creates a vision and rallies people around it. Delays in hiring disrupt this vision and impede progress.
  3. Negative Candidate Experience: A cumbersome hiring process can damage an organization’s reputation. Candidates talk, and word spreads quickly about companies with inefficient recruitment practices. This can lead to a tarnished employer brand, making it harder to attract top talent in the future.


The Pitfalls of “Quick to Fire”


Similarly, organizations that fail to invest in their employees and nurture organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) with on-the-job training, coaching, rewards, and other reinforcement can suffer consequences such as:


  1. Cultural Impact: Frequent terminations can create a culture of fear and uncertainty. Locke and Latham’s Goal Setting Theory emphasizes the importance of clear, attainable goals for employee motivation. A “quick to fire” approach undermines this by fostering instability and mistrust.
  2. Loss of Investment: Hiring and onboarding can cost as much as 1.5 times a worker’s salary. Quick terminations mean the organization loses its recruitment, training, and development investment. Additionally, the constant churn can disrupt team dynamics and hinder long-term projects.
  3. Erosion of Employee Morale: The psychological contract between employer and employee has its foundation in mutual trust and respect. When employees see their peers seemingly indiscriminately terminated, it can lead to decreased morale, engagement, and loyalty. Positive Organizational Behavior (POB) framework – which highlights the importance of hope, confidence, and resilience in fostering a productive workforce – supports the consequences of broken psychological contracts.


Evidence from Experts


The literature from scholarly resources and best-selling authors offers insight into better ways to attract and retain top talent.


  1. Peter Drucker: Drucker emphasized the importance of nurturing talent and creating a culture of continuous improvement. His writings suggest that a balanced approach to hiring and firing, focusing on development and fit, provides a more sustainable workplace than extreme practices.
  2. Kouzes and Posner: In their works on leadership, Kouzes and Posner highlight the significance of fostering an inclusive, supportive environment. Leaders should focus on building relationships and empowering employees rather than relying on punitive measures.
  3. Locke and Latham: Their Goal Setting Theory underscores the need for achievable goals for individuals and work groups tied to organizational objectives. A hasty firing approach disrupts goal alignment and diminishes the sense of purpose within the organization.
  4. Angela Duckworth and Carol Dweck: Their research on grit and growth mindset, respectively, points to the importance of perseverance and learning from mistakes. Quick terminations deprive both the employee and the organization of the opportunity to grow and improve.


While “slow to hire, quick to fire” might appear as a catchy mantra, it falls short when scrutinized through the lens of Industrial-Organizational Psychology and leadership theory. A more balanced approach, emphasizing timely yet thorough hiring processes and supportive, development-focused retention strategies, is key to fostering a thriving organizational culture. My recent experience underscores the importance of evaluating not just the processes but potential employers’ underlying values and culture. Ultimately, businesses that invest in their people by balancing rigor with empathy possess a better chance to succeed in the long run.




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Good, Better, Best Rebuild Options

Good, Better, Best Rebuild Options

Guest writer Ron Wilson tackles the gold standard of componentry in this week’s blog post: “Good, Better, Best Rebuild Options.”

Over the years working in the service areas of a dealership (regardless of the brand) we have most likely heard the customer say the dealership “gold plates” the component rebuild. Which means: Price is too high, over builds the components, not providing options to the customers. 

Often the dealership will provide discounts on a rebuild to meet the customers’ pricing concerns. Discounting cuts into the dealers’ profit margins and doesn’t address the image of being overpriced. 

The dealership can address the complaint by providing repair/rebuild options that will meet the individual needs of the customer. The marketing concept “Good, Better, Best” (GBB) is a pricing and marketing strategy to address the various customers’ price points and the life expectancy of the component/machine. Below is a breakdown of the concept from the customer’s view:

  • Good:
    • Price level: Lowest
    • Quality Level Basic
    • Essential repair/rebuild with minimal extras.
    • Meets customer life expectancy of the component- just one more season, get it through this year and will the trade/auction/sell machine.
    • Minimal warranty expectation
  • Better:
    • Machine mid-life rebuilds.
    • Balancing out the component rebuild with the life expectancy of the overall machine.
    • Due to the increased level of rebuild an increase in warranty/life expectancy is expected. 
    • Increased price level due to increased level of rebuild (additional parts and labor) to complete the rebuild.
  • Best:
    • Highest level of rebuild.
    • Additional warranty coverage available
    • Higher expectations relating to the level of parts and labor required to complete the rebuild.
    • Maybe considered equal (or remarkably close) to a new component
    • Higher level of warranty coverage, with possibly extended warranty offering available

Benefits of the “Good, Better, Best” Strategy:

  • Market Segmentation: Allows the dealership to meet the needs of a wider customer base with varying repair/rebuild budgets and expectations. 
  • Customer Choice: Empowers and includes the customers in the repair/rebuild process to choose the repair/rebuild level that best meets their needs and financial capacity.
  • Revenue Optimization for the Dealership: Increases potential revenue by capturing sales across different price points. Many customers may be going to your competitors because the repair options are available within your dealership.
  • Provides standardized and consistency to the rebuild process: Standardization and consistency improves turn time, quality of work, and fewer job interruptions due to waiting for decisions from customers.
  • Upselling Opportunities: Provides the customers an opportunity to move up to a higher price tier based on the additional added value and features.

Implementation Tips

  • Clearly Define Features: Make sure each tier is well-defined in terms of features and benefits. A common understanding between those that have established the price, rebuilds the components, and the salesforce that communicates the various levels of rebuilds to the customers.
  • Transparent Pricing: Clearly communicate the differences in pricing and what customers get at each level. Utilize visual diagram/cut away images to show what is included within each rebuild level.
  • Customer Feedback: Use customer feedback to refine and adjust the tiers to better meet customer needs and preferences over time.
  • Regular Reviews: Periodically review and adjust the tiers to ensure they remain competitive and aligned with market demands.
  • Utilized the Dealer’s Rebuild History to Establish Rebuild Level: The dealers rebuild history can be a great starting point to identify which subcomponent to include in which rebuild level.
  • Work Closely with the Dealers OEM: Gain input from the OEM based on their historical information and awareness of other dealers that have already developed these offerings.
  • Visit with Your Customers to Identify what the various Repair Options should Include:  This can be done as part of a customer focus meeting, Parts and Service Sales team conduct interviews, and examine what the competitors are providing.

Using the “Good, Better, Best” pricing model can help businesses effectively segment their offerings, appeal to a broader audience, and maximize their revenue while being more competitive in the marketplace and providing a level of rebuild the customer can select that best fits their needs.

Look at the article The Good-Better-Best Approach to Pricing. Why every company should consider a tiered model.”  Written by Rafi Mohammed and published in the September-October 2018 Harvard Business Review.

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The Art of Effective Systems

The Arts of Effective Systems

Curriculum Designer Caroline Slee-Poulos has been in training sessions for the past several days and decided to share some of the content in her blog post for this week, “The Art of Effective Systems.”

The Art of Effective Systems

First of all, I don’t think it’s an art. Today, I think it might be more like one of those Tough Mudder endurance events: sweaty, muddy, and something that makes you question your own motivations.

W. Edwards Deming, thought of as the father of the quality movement (along with many, many other achievements), stated the following:

“If you can’t describe what you’re doing as a process, then you don’t know what you’re doing.”

No problem, right? We all know what we are doing…on our own…in our own little silos. In our classes, we often describe the importance of agreement. Everyone needs to understand what it is that we do, and they need to agree that it is the right thing to do. That agreement piece can be a hurdle all its own, but it is time to check our own practices as well. Do we have the conversation in the first place? Does everyone know and understand what it is that we do?

In order for something to qualify as a system, it must be something that can be described, predicted, and replicated.

When you assess your systems, do they meet those three criteria?

Systems apply to the capital goods industry, but also to just about every industry and organization. When your systems are properly structured, the people within the system know how to function and what they contribute to it. They also support the other individuals in the system.

I invite you to look at the systems you have in place within your business. Are they functioning correctly? Are the systems the same, no matter who is doing the task? If not, what needs to change?

The analysis can only benefit you.

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What would you give for safety?

What would you give for safety?

Guest writer Dan Kinsman is asking you consider best practices in today’s blog post, asking you to consider, “What would you give for safety?”

I have recently noticed an increase in load shifts, damage, and improper securement of loads of bricks/cement blocks, it led me to ask, “what would I give for safety?” What would be acceptable for our industry to give for safety? If we had to give 500 pounds of tare weight for a safer vehicle, would that be worth it? What if it were 1,000 pounds, would that be worth not having material fall off the trailer due to improperly stacked or secured loads? 

In Europe they took a simple approach, they have trailers specifically built for these kinds of loads, and while they can be used for general flatbed freight, they are more tailored to building materials. 

These trailers have a short side kit that is made of aluminum, it can be swung down out of the way, but in the event that a cube of bricks or block is not stacked correctly, or one breaks in transit, they will stay on the trailer long enough for the driver to get stopped. 

Above we see one of these trailers, offered by German manufacturer Krone. This trailer design is not significantly heavier than their standard design, adding less than 1,000 pounds to the tare weight, but significantly improving safety for the public, driver, and company. Among the many changes in thought for these trailers is moving the anchor points to the interior of the wall, instead of the exterior of the deck, meaning it is safer from damage, much more difficult for someone to tamper with, and it creates a barrier to retain the material should a bundle shift. 

Beyond brick and block loads, these trailers would be an excellent trailer for palletized loads of mulch, super sacks, lumber, even roofing and insulation loads could benefit from the increased safety of such trailers. As we look into the areas of the flatbed industry where loads are notoriously difficult to secure, we will further look for solutions that can be implemented to assist the driver in making those loads safe, and eventually, maybe we will see a day when there are no more load shifts nationwide.

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Practical Applications of Gen AI in Daily Tasks

Practical Applications of Gen AI in Daily Tasks

Guest writer Sara Hanks walks us through the hype from the beginning of Chat GPT into where we are with AI today in “Practical Applications of Gen AI in Daily Tasks.”

When ChatGPT was launched in November 2022 by OpenAI, there was a ton of hype surrounding large language models. Many companies envisioned the revolutionary impact AI could have on company workflows and productivity. Over the past two years, ChatGPT and other models have seen numerous updates and expansions, integrated more advanced features, and become more user-friendly. It has been incorporated into various applications, from customer support to content creation, proving its versatility and value. 

There are various options available for integrating AI into your work processes. Tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft CoPilot and Google’s Gemini can be accessed directly through web interfaces. Other companies offer AI integration through APIs that can be embedded into existing software. Additionally, platforms like Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud provide comprehensive AI and machine learning services that can be tailored to specific business needs. These services often include pre-built models and tools for building custom AI solutions, making it easier for businesses of all sizes to leverage AI technology. In other words, AI is widely accessible. However, there remains a sizable portion of the workforce that has yet to adopt AI tools into their daily routines. This blog aims to share some practical applications of how I have integrated AI into my workflow.

Initiating Tasks

Ever get stuck getting started on a task? Do you find yourself wondering what to write? One of the first examples of integrating a large language model (LLM) into my daily workload is broad support for starting tasks. For instance, I use our company-approved chatbot to draft emails or documents. For example, I can input an email as part of the prompt and ask the bot to generate a reply with key information I want to convey. Of course, the output often needs revision to ensure it doesn’t sound too robotic and to trim down overly lengthy responses. It helps me create presentation outlines. By stating the audience, the purpose of the meeting, the length of the meeting and key outcome I’d like to achieve, the AI returns a structured outline as a good starting point.


Another use case is summarizing lengthy email chains, especially when I get pulled into a conversation late. Instead of reading the entire chain, I input the emails into the bot and ask it to summarize the key points and identify who should be included in follow-up meetings. This has saved me a significant amount of time reading and digesting email threads.

Summarizing meetings and extracting information is another significant benefit. Tools like Microsoft Teams can record meetings and generate transcripts, which can then be uploaded into the bot. I can ask for summaries, detailed breakdowns of discussions by agenda item, and action item lists, complete with timestamps. This automation reduces the time spent on notetaking and allows for more efficient follow-up on meeting actions.

Extracting Information

I also use chatbots to query lengthy documents. For example, our company’s 20-page policy document can be daunting to read in full. Instead, I input my specific question into the bot and receive a concise answer. Additionally, I can ask the bot to generate a summary report of the document’s key points, which can then be used for training purposes. Large Language Models are generally good at extracting specific details from text documents and after refining prompts can extract accurate information.


Sentiment analysis is another area where LLMs have proven useful. Sometimes, it’s challenging to gauge the tone of an email or chat response. AI can analyze these messages to determine if they are positive or negative. Sentiment can be applied broadly with a large list of customer feedback. The AI can analyze each piece of feedback, analyze the trends, and summarize the overall results. This analysis can reveal areas for improvement based on the sentiment of the feedback, allowing for more targeted follow-up questions. It used to take a team of people weeks to review customer surveys and summarize the findings. AI can produce the same results in seconds / minutes.


Translation is another daily use case. Working in a global company, I often encounter data in various languages. AI tools help me translate this data into a common language, making it easier to read, analyze and even build additional machine learning models.

Just for Fun

In my personal life, I’ve found creative ways to integrate AI. One fun experiment was asking AI to create a four-course meal with wine pairings. Although I didn’t agree with all the suggestions, it was an enjoyable experience. Additionally, I use AI to track my nutritional intake. Instead of manually entering food items into apps like MyFitnessPal, I voice my meals into ChatGPT and receive macro breakdowns. While some results need a critical eye, it generally provides a helpful overview.

Integrating AI into both my professional and personal life has been transformative, enhancing productivity and providing innovative solutions to everyday tasks. Staring at a blank page wondering what’s next is a thing of the past. If anyone is looking to explore AI’s potential, I highly recommend starting with these practical applications.

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Population shift will soon drive trucking tidal wave, an expert says

Population shift will soon drive trucking tidal wave, an expert says

This week, we present an article by another trucking industry expert and colleague of Bob Rutherford: Jason Cannon. Jason reports here on a keynote speech given by Ken Gronbach on the shifts of industry in “Population shift will soon drive trucking tidal wave, an expert says.”

Author, demographer, and generational marketer Ken Gronbach delivered the keynote address Monday morning at the Truckload Carriers Association annual convention in Nashville.

A freight trough that has plagued trucking since emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic is temporary, and recovery will be spurred by the largest housing, construction and consuming market in U.S. history, said author, demographer and generational marketer Ken Gronbach in his delivery of the keynote address Monday morning at the Truckload Carriers Association annual convention in Nashville.

There are currently 170 million people under the age of forty in the U.S.

“This is a record for our country,” Gronbach said, adding that trucking is a business of moving stuff, and the need to move stuff “is coming your way, and you better prepare for it.” 

Generation X is nine million people smaller than the Baby Boomer generation, pulling a tide of would-be workers and consumers out of the pool and helping cripple the housing market and the automotive market in the early 2000s. As those 170 million mature and participate in the economy, “what is going to happen to the United States is unprecedented,” Gronbach said.

“The bad news is, you have to change,” Gronbach added, noting that legacy business practices are unlikely to win over a consumer base that makes decisions based on three key factors: “Make my life easy. Save me some time. Don’t rip me off.” 

Staring down the barrel of a hotly and, at times ugly, presidential election cycle, Gronbach said math suggests liberals will win the political wrestling matches in the immediate future simply because there are more of them by several million, adding that people generally move from liberal to conservative as they age. 

“We’re losing a conservative every eight seconds,” he said, “and we’re gaining a liberal every eight seconds.”

Not only is the population base skewing younger, its racial and cultural makeup is shifting. 

The generational population gap between Baby Boomers and Generation X was filled by Latinos, and Latinos are currently driving the U.S. labor force, Gronbach said, adding Caucasians are now a minority in the U.S., and the level of immigration into the U.S. is as high as it was in the early 1900s.

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