Socrates Says

Digital Marketing Digital Marketing: Billboard vs Engagement “At the moment, our research shows buyers making 90% of their purchase decision before contacting the dealer.” And there it was. I had been having thoughts like these swirling around in my head for a few months now. But when Charles Bowles at Trader Interactive spoke with me, […]

You Have to Keep Moving Forward. This year has been a challenge to everyone and everything we had in 2019. Our health is at risk. Our jobs are at risk and in some cases are gone. Our businesses are at risk. Bankruptcies are on the rise. Everything has changed. And the very foundation of our […]

High Demand Jobs This week brings our second guest post from Don Shilling. He talks about the not-so-glamorous world of high demand jobs. Don was born to this industry. In his own words: I grew up in a construction family and worked for my Dad several summers during and after high school. Then while working […]

The Woes of Unfocused Training This week, we continue with a guest post from Steve Day, in which he discusses with us the woes of unfocused training. Steve received a degree in Electrical Engineering and then served in the US Navy. He started with Komatsu America 1978. For the next twelve years Steve worked through […]

Ryan Condon

The Critical Importance of Measuring… Today’s guest post, The Critical Importance of Measuring the Customer and Employee Experience, is from Ryan Condon. Ryan is the Co-Founder and CEO of SATISFYD. He has grown from a first-time entrepreneur at 24 years-old, to a business leader with 20+ years of software and service experience. Ryan was an […]

The Dramatic Change There has been a dramatic change in leadership, and in teamwork. Collaboration requires an engaged workforce, but only 13 per cent of the world’s workforce is engaged right now. In this working from home mode the current ways of engaging are clearly inefficient. The old approach – engaging people from outside-in through […]