Socrates Says

“Is cyber security insurance trucking’s next big premium?” In keeping with our theme of cybersecurity, we present an article by Kevin Williams as he takes a look at the future in “Is cyber security insurance trucking’s next big premium?” Candace Marley is an owner-operator in Iowa with more than a decade of experience on the […]

Moving Beyond Annual Inspections: The Importance of Monthly Cybersecurity Checks Guest writer Kevin Landers tackles a huge source of anxiety for many of us in the digital age, our online security. Read on for, “Moving Beyond Annual Inspections: The Importance of Monthly Cybersecurity Checks.” In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for […]

Putting People Ahead of Profits. Our founder Ron Slee has spent the last several weeks looking at how people make money. These thoughts have led to tonight’s blog post: putting people ahead of profits. For some time now, those regular readers of our blogs and listeners to our Podcasts have noticed my focus on customer […]

To Hire or Not to Hire Guest writer John Dowling writes on the conundrum we face when considering whether to hire or not to hire as he weighs what matters more: skill or attitude. Herb Kelleher and Simon Sinek have been quoted saying, “You don’t hire for skills; you hire for attitude. You can always […]

Solving the Truck Driver Shortage, Whether It Exists or Not. Guest writer Bob Rutherford brings us to a new vision with “Solving the Truck Driver Shortage, Whether It Exists or Not.”  Solving the truck driver shortage, whether it exists or not. A Paper by Bob Rutherford The truck driver shortage is the Loch Ness Monster […]

Managing the New Machine Sales Pre-Delivery Inspection Process. This week is all about logistics, with guest writer Ron Wilson writing about “Managing the New Machine Sales Pre-Delivery Inspection Process.” While my wife and I were sitting in a car dealership and listening to the salesperson explain there is a delay in completing the pre-delivery inspection, […]