All students who take a Subject Specific class are eligible to earn 0.5 of a Continuing Education Credits (CEU).
You must score 80% or higher to obtain a passing mark for the class. This completion entitles you to receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate will also highlight the number of CEU’s you have earned.
Is cyber security insurance trucking’s next big premium?
“Is cyber security insurance trucking’s next big premium?” In keeping with our theme of cybersecurity, we present an article by Kevin Williams as he takes a look at the future in “Is cyber security insurance trucking’s next big premium?” Candace Marley is an owner-operator in Iowa with more than a decade of experience on the […]
Moving Beyond Annual Inspections: The Importance of Monthly Cybersecurity Checks
Moving Beyond Annual Inspections: The Importance of Monthly Cybersecurity Checks Guest writer Kevin Landers tackles a huge source of anxiety for many of us in the digital age, our online security. Read on for, “Moving Beyond Annual Inspections: The Importance of Monthly Cybersecurity Checks.” In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for […]
Putting People Ahead of Profits.
Putting People Ahead of Profits. Our founder Ron Slee has spent the last several weeks looking at how people make money. These thoughts have led to tonight’s blog post: putting people ahead of profits. For some time now, those regular readers of our blogs and listeners to our Podcasts have noticed my focus on customer […]
To Hire or Not to Hire
To Hire or Not to Hire Guest writer John Dowling writes on the conundrum we face when considering whether to hire or not to hire as he weighs what matters more: skill or attitude. Herb Kelleher and Simon Sinek have been quoted saying, “You don’t hire for skills; you hire for attitude. You can always […]
Solving the Truck Driver Shortage, Whether It Exists or Not.
Solving the Truck Driver Shortage, Whether It Exists or Not. Guest writer Bob Rutherford brings us to a new vision with “Solving the Truck Driver Shortage, Whether It Exists or Not.” Solving the truck driver shortage, whether it exists or not. A Paper by Bob Rutherford The truck driver shortage is the Loch Ness Monster […]
Managing the New Machine Sales Pre-Delivery Inspection Process.
Managing the New Machine Sales Pre-Delivery Inspection Process. This week is all about logistics, with guest writer Ron Wilson writing about “Managing the New Machine Sales Pre-Delivery Inspection Process.” While my wife and I were sitting in a car dealership and listening to the salesperson explain there is a delay in completing the pre-delivery inspection, […]