Socrates Says

The latest iteration of the nonsense is the labor strife in Chicago. Imagine the highest teacher wages in the country at $75,000/year, about $20,000 higher than the average in the country, with a high school graduation rate of 50%. No wonder there is a desire for teacher performance in the new agreement. This morning on […]

There are four stages to the life of a man. The first is where he believes in Santa Claus The second is where he no longer believes in Santa Claus The third is where he is Santa Claus The fourth is where he looks like Santa Claus The time is now.

To continue the discussion on education I want to explore curricula and start from elementary school and move up to the end of high school. The last time I looked the tax payers provide the money for the school system at the state level. I am not sure that the educators have a clear grasp […]

Today will be some thoughts of the day. The Elephants have had their turn now is the time for the Asses. It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. – David Hume I should have loved freedom, I believe, at all times, but in the time in which we live […]

The Liberal Arts education that has been the push for the past five decades has not delivered what was intended. Slowly in the halls of academia this is being recognized. There are changes underway to address some of the issues. Internet lectures offered for free is one of them. I want to explore a different […]

There are some simple definitions that are very important at this time in our history what with people making decisions on elected officials and referendums and initiatives all across the country. Ignorance can be defined as not knowing what to do. Stupidity can be defined as knowing what to do and not doing it. Insanity […]