Socrates Says

It starts quietly, the defense of the Keynesian failures.  Published Wednesday in Global Post – Northwestern economist Robert Gordon opines that “We’ve had a lot of inherent advantages: abundant natural resources, favorable demographic trends, relative political stability supported by the protective benefit of two oceans, to name a few. But from colonial times to the […]

My good friend Jay Roszell just posted to his blog – Growth without Pain – “What is the True Cost of Sales Training.” In it he lists off the costs of the training which includes the usual suspects but he goes further and touches on “opportunity costs.” The cost of any activity cannot be measured […]

Manager is a hyphenated word – Man Ager. I am sorry that is not gender neutral but I am sure you know what I mean. Aging a person is from having to depend on others. Aging is from waiting for others to “get it” especially if you think that you have it. What is terribly […]

From my days in the Systems business are these beauties. From a consultant who worked for IBM as a project manager. Ø Nine men impregnating the same woman cannot deliver a baby in one month. Ø If it ain’t in writing it don’t exist. Two important lessons – first is that putting more people on […]

Mises said in a lecture in the 1960s: “The government and the journalists who were writing for the government told us about this ‘deficit spending.’ It was wonderful! It was considered something that would improve conditions in the whole country. But if you translate this into more common language, the language of the uneducated, then […]

With the beginning of the political conventions I thought it would be instructive to return to Milton Friedman. Free to Choose was written in 1980 and reprinted in 1990. It talks about the changing opinion of socialism and capitalism. But it gives warning which had we heeded it we would never be where we are […]