Socrates Says

The Importance of Purpose Guest writer Christopher Kiely has written today’s blog post, The Importance of Purpose, as a continuation of his thoughts on meaning and purpose in the workplace. As we discussed previously, one of the main contributors to the malaise about work and the lack of desire of a quarter of workers ages […]

Web 3.0 Is Changing Education Guest writer Anna Horoneskul contributes to our series on Lifelong Learning with her blog post Web 3.0 Is Changing Education. The evolution of technology has drastically changed the way we live, work, and learn. EdTech, in particular, has revolutionized the field of education, making it more accessible and convenient for […]

Friday Filosophy v.03.03.2023 Friday Filosophy v.03.03.2023 offers quotes and words of wisdom from Robin Williams. Robin McLaurin Williams (July 21, 1951 – August 11, 2014) was an American actor and comedian. Known for his improvisational skills[ and the wide variety of characters he created on the spur of the moment and portrayed on film, in dramas and comedies alike, he is […]

Coaches Corner v.03.02.2023 In Coaches Corner v.03.02.2023, Coach Floyd Jerkins discusses sales mix and closing ratio analysis of behavior metrics. In my last article, Behavioral Sales Metrics for Coaching Equipment Industry Sales Teams, I laid out some framework for measuring sales activities. This article is the second in the series to analyze the behavioral metrics […]

In the Spotlight! A quick update from our Curriculum Designer, Caroline Slee-Poulos, about our day in the spotlight! Today is the day that Learning Without Scars is the Spotlight Provider. IACET selects a provider of Continuing Education to be featured on their website and social media, and today is that day for our company. You […]

 Belonging is good for business and benefits the bottom line! Guest writer Sonya Law brings back our human resources perspective with “Belonging is good for business and benefits the bottom line!” According to Harvard Business Review: “If workers feel like they belong, companies reap substantial bottom-line benefits.” The bottom-line benefits are: High Sense of Belonging […]