Socrates Says

Friday Filosophy v.03.11.2022 Henry “Henny” Youngman (16 March 1906 – 24 February 1998) was an American comedian and musician famous for his mastery of the “one-liner“, his best-known one-liner undoubtedly being “Take my wife… please”. In a time when many comedians told elaborate anecdotes, Youngman’s routine consisted of telling simple one-liner jokes, occasionally with interludes of violin playing. These […]

The Great Reshuffle: How to Retain Top Talent Guest writer Sonya Law tackles on of the challenges facing businesses today: how to retain your top talent in the face of what is being called the great reshuffle. The great resignation: could it best be described as the great reshuffle? It’s true that there has always […]

Training develops skills that can be measured. Guest writer Natalia Dmitrenko continues to build from the foundation of last week’s blog post, “Loyal Staff” with her exploration of the skills that training develops. Each of these skills can be measured. Any corporate training initiatives have a similar purpose: evaluation of the difference in the performance […]

Friday Filosophy v.03.04.2022 Mother Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu – 26 August 1910 – 5 September 1997, honoured in the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, was an Albanian–Indian Roman Catholic nun and missionary. She was born in Skopje (now the capital of North Macedonia), then part of the Kosovo Vilayet of the Ottoman Empire. After living in Skopje for eighteen years, she moved to Ireland and then to India, where she lived for […]

Loyal Staff: Does Corporate Training Really Work Well for Uplifting Employees’ Skills and Boosting Loyalty? We are pleased to introduce another new guest writer here at Learning Without Scars. Natallia Dmitrenko is a content specialist at Grinfer with a focus on content management and blog promotion. She gained experience studying at the University of Nebraska […]

Maximizing Profits Through Spend Management Tonight, we are pleased to introduce our readers to our new guest writer, Jennifer Albright. In her first post, Jennifer educates readers on maximizing profits through spend management. But first, allow us to introduce Jennifer Albright in her own words: My start in Procurement began unexpectedly with a temporary position, […]