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20 search results for: Quarterly


What’s Next?

What’s Next? As 2021 winds down it is time for some reflection and some contemplation. What have we been able to get done in 2021 and what is next for us in 2022? There has been a lot of confusion this year, wouldn’t you say? Politically, economically, and socially. Perhaps many of us ourselves have […]


Thoughts on Our Resources

Thoughts on our Resources I don’t know if you have noticed but we have been quite busy over the past few months. I wanted to bring it to your attention and provide you with some suggestions going forward. As you know at Learning Without Scars, we have three purposes and main goals. To transfer wisdom […]


Marketing Missiles v1.9

Marketing is a broad topic covering a lot of different sins.  It is mass mailings, it is seasonal cards, it is monthly or bimonthly newsletters, or quarterly specials. It is promotional materials and handouts. It is sales catalogues. It is also CRM (customer relationship management) systems and sophisticated information reporting. It is a bunch of […]