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246 search results for: Foundation


Friday Filosophy v.12.23.2022

Friday Filosophy v.12.23.2022 In Friday Filosophy v.12.23.2022, Ron Slee shares quotes and words of wisdom from John Rockefeller. John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (July 8, 1839 – May 23, 1937) was an American business magnate and philanthropist. He has been widely considered the wealthiest American of all time[1][2] and the richest person in modern history. Rockefeller was born into a large […]


Friday Filosophy v.12.16.2022

Friday Filosophy v.12.16.2022 Friday Filosophy v.12.16.2022 offers quotes and words of wisdom from Bill Gates. William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate and philanthropist. He is a co-founder of Microsoft, along with his late childhood friend Paul Allen. During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), president and chief software architect, while also being […]


Friday Filosophy v.12.09.2022

Friday Filosophy v.12.09.2022 Henry Ford was an American industrialist, business magnate, founder of the Ford Motor Company, and chief developer of the assembly line technique of mass production. By creating the first automobile that middle-class Americans could afford, he converted the automobile from an expensive luxury into an accessible conveyance that profoundly impacted the landscape of the 20th century. His introduction of […]


Continuous Learning – Learning Without Scars’ Centers of Excellence

Continuous Learning – Learning Without Scars’ Centers of Excellence In this week’s installment of our blog on Lifelong Learning, our guest writer Steve Johnson gives us this cutting-edge blog post of the way our education programs are taking shape: Continuous Learning – Learning Without Scars’ Centers of Excellence. Why continuous learning should matter to you… […]


Friday Filosophy v.11.18.2022

Friday Filosophy v.11.18.2022 Friday Filosophy v.11.18.2022 offers quotes and words of wisdom from the Dalai Lama. Dalai Lama is a title given by the Tibetan people to the foremost spiritual leader of the Gelug or “Yellow Hat” school of Tibetan Buddhism, the newest and most dominant of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The 14th and current Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso, […]


Upturn or Recession?

Upturn or Recession? Guest writers Steve Clegg and Debbie Frakes are writing for us this week about the ways in which our accurate forecasts can help us plan for real growth in “Upturn or Recession?” The equipment industry is cyclical and seasonal. Many dealerships react to events by looking backward at accounting financial statements, explaining […]


Coaches Corner v.11.10.2022

Coaches Corner v.11.10.2022 In Coaches Corner v.11.10.2022, guest writer Floyd Jerkins is writing about leading from the front line. I often get calls from clients about various leadership-related scenarios they face. Sometimes they already know the answers but want to hear alternative ideas. One thing is for sure; there isn’t just one way to handle […]


Show Me Your Spreadsheets

Show Me Your Spreadsheets Tonight, guest writer Mets Kramer resumes his blog posts on digitizing your dealership with “Show Me Your Spreadsheets.” Show Me Your Spreadsheets Over the past couple of years, I’ve spoken often about the Digital Dealership, a dealership with equal digital presence to the it’s physical (bricks and mortar) presence.  The idea […]


Friday Filosophy v.10.28.2022

Friday Filosophy v.10.28.2022 In Friday Filosophy v.10.28.2022, our Founder Ron Slee shares quotes and words of wisdom from the economist Edmund Burke. Edmund Burke; 12 January 1729 – 9 July 1797 was an Irish–British statesman, economist, and philosopher. Born in Dublin, Burke served as a member of Parliament (MP) between 1766 and 1794 in the House of Commons of Great Britain with the Whig Party. Burke […]


Where to Start with Data Quality

Where to Start with Data Quality Guest writer Sara Hanks builds our foundational knowledge with her blog post on data: “Where to Start with Data Quality.” Fall is my favorite season for two reasons – beautiful scenery and the National Football League. This year, I joined a fantasy football league for the first time. The […]