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84 search results for: Global


Underneath the rock: How to inspire resilience in a pandemic

Underneath the rock: How to inspire resilience in a pandemic This week, Sonya Law returns with another guest blog for us. Who better than a Human Resources Manager to help us to uncover what is buried underneath the rock, and how we can inspire resilience in a pandemic. “Developing resilience helps us to overcome obstacles, […]


The Innovative University

The Innovative University This blog title is the same as a book by Clayton M. Christensen and Henry J. Eyring published earlier this year. Clayton Christensen has been lauded many times as one of the best thinkers on the planet by Forbes and others. He came to my attention a long number of years ago […]


Internet Learning

Internet Learning Over the past ninety days the planet has been suffering under a serious virus. Nearly everyone has been affected. Some of the results to the economy and societies are starting to come in with analysis on the longer-term impacts. The Congressional Budget Office forecasts that the US will see $7.9 Trillion in lost […]


Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts from the Past Week. Tthis month, June 2020, is my 40th anniversary in the Consulting Business. I am amazed at that and thankful that I made a living doing it. For the record I still want to make a difference in the lives of dealers and employees in the parts and service world. […]


A Guest Blog from Ed Gordon

“Ignoring America’s Talent Desert Won’t Solve the Problem!”   Reports of talent shortages continue to proliferate: The National Association of Manufacturers reported an all-time record high of over 500,000 vacant positions (September 2019). A National Association of Home Builders Survey found that over half of contractors had shortages in 12 of the 16 categories of […]


Badges, the Computer, and College Everywhere

Badges, the Computer, and College Everywhere Last week, we left off with Patrick Suppes and his realization that students learning online were receiving modestly better results than those in the traditional classroom.  This week, we continue with his journey and conclude our discussion. In 1972 Suppes taught a class on the Introduction to Logic. He […]



e-Learning Twenty years ago, in 1999, John Chambers, then CEO of CISCO Systems said, “Education over the internet is going to make email usage look like a rounding error.” The renowned Clairmont Professor and business guru thought that “Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.” As those of you who […]


The Challenge

The Challenge We are getting close to being in a position of complete saturation in the jobs market. We now have more jobs open than we have workers looking for a job. That has not happened for a long time. We now have over 6,000,000 jobs open across the country. The most recent Gordon report, […]


Talents and Skills

Learning Without Scars was created to fill a void in the Capital Goods Industries, specifically the light and heavy equipment space. With technical schools closing at an alarming rate the markets we serve were becoming unable to find the talents and skills they required in the operational areas of the business, parts and service specifically. […]


Drones and You!

For some time now, the Capital Goods Industries has used global position and equipment monitoring technologies. Last week I talk about the Cloud Based Technologies that were impacting our world. I want to look in a different direction this week. On March 22nd the following press release got my attention: China: – Commercial drone data […]