Identifying Problems is the Key to Engaging Website Copy

Identifying Problems is the Key to Engaging Website Copy

Guest writer Joanne Costin brings practical tips for writers this week in her blog post on “Identifying Problems is the Key to Engaging Website Copy.”

When writing copy for your website, it’s important to identify the problems your products and services solve. You may not realize it, but they are a magnet for website traffic. Uncovering how your products and services solve problems is good for both business and drawing potential customers to your website. 

Listen in on conversations about your products and services on social media. Participate in discussions Forums and within LinkedIn groups to learn the language of customers. For example, I recently used a Reddit forum on layout robots to help me write a client blog post on the topic. 

Problem-focused web content can even lead to new applications for the product. Knowing what equipment works best in a specific construction application adds value, as does versatility. Take a lesson from WD 40 — a brand built around more than 2,000 uses of the product. In this post, they share applications for a new product, the WD 40 precision pen. 

Here are some effective ways construction marketers can find “problem” talk for their website:

1) Create your very own contractor forum.

2) Ask customers to submit new applications for your product.

2) Conduct customer interviews among diverse types of customer groups such as landscapers vs. building contractors. 

3) Monitor forums for questions related to your products. Start a Q&A column or blog on your website.

4) Develop an advisory board for your product comprised of people who use the product or service regularly.

5) Solicit product usage tips from the professionals and build community around information sharing.

6) Give fans reasons to interact with you. Find a worthy cause to unite you.

7) Celebrate your customers. Submit photos of customers using the product to feature on the site. Reward great photos as well as interesting product applications.

You can’t solve a problem until you fully understand it. Make uncovering problems part of your process and see where the inspiration leads you. 

Joanne Costin is an award-winning business journalist, content writer and content marketing strategist with more than 30 years of experience in the construction industry.

You can reach Joanne at

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