Socrates Says

Some of you have equated the labor efficiency blog with the actual market capture rate of labor. They are two very different elements in the business. One measures the performance of the supervision of the labor pool and the efficiency of a particular technician on a specific job or group of work orders. The other […]

Service Departments the world over are concerned about efficiency and effectiveness. There is a very easy method in which we can measure and manage the labor we offer to the marketplace. There are two critical pieces of information from which we must start. The first is called Gross Profit Potential and the second is the […]

Well guess who is back. I have been conducting classes for the past four days and travelling for two of them so I have, unfortunately, neglected you. One of the sessions was on Customer Service and the other was on Parts Management. We start into a two day session tomorrow on Service Management. It appears […]

Whether or not you think you can or you can’t. Either way you are right. Henry Ford You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. James D Miles Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.

Sleeism # 4 It is hard to soar with the Eagles If you are up all night with the Turkeys Sometimes it is hard to remember that the morning comes awfully early. When you are having fun in the evening and into the early morning it is wise to remember that the sun comes up […]

Many Dealer Management Systems (DMS) allow a dealer to access a manufacturers’ information on standard times that are used to reimburse the dealers for warranty work. There has long been disagreement as to whether the time provided is adequate. That having been said it is also true that someone is trying to help a dealer […]