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144 search results for: Resources


Thoughts on Our Resources

Thoughts on our Resources I don’t know if you have noticed but we have been quite busy over the past few months. I wanted to bring it to your attention and provide you with some suggestions going forward. As you know at Learning Without Scars, we have three purposes and main goals. To transfer wisdom […]


Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire… BS.

Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire… BS. This post is a reprint of the article by the same name by Rich Cruz. Antiquated Hiring Philosophy May Hamper Growth Recently, I applied and interviewed for an open executive position at a well-established company in the construction industry. Despite its success and expansion, my experience with their […]


A Recent Podcast Deserves Some Attention

A Recent Podcast Deserves Some Attention Our Founder Ron Slee returns this week to direct blog readers to the Learning Without Scars podcast. You will find today’s title to be very apt: “A Recent Podcast Deserves Some Attention.” In the latest episode of our podcast, we dive deep into the transformative power of data-driven marketing […]


Imagine a world where flatbed transportation operates with the utmost safety, compliance, and efficiency

Imagine a world where flatbed transportation operates with the utmost safety, compliance, and efficiency Learning Without Scars is pleased to introduce our new guest writers, Dan Shipley and Dan Kinsman. Today brings their first blog post for us here at LWS, with “Imagine a world where flatbed transportation operates with the utmost safety, compliance, and […]


Reskill and Upskill Plan

Reskill and Upskill Plan Guest writer Ron Wilson brings a blog post on lifelong learning this week with “Reskill and Upskill Plan.” I came across a book titled “Long Life Learning” written by Michelle Weise. The title intrigued me due to my interest in and commitment to Lifelong Learning.  The need for skills changes along […]