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168 search results for: Foundation
Managing the New Machine Sales Pre-Delivery Inspection Process.
Managing the New Machine Sales Pre-Delivery Inspection Process. This week is all about logistics, with guest writer Ron Wilson writing about “Managing the New Machine Sales Pre-Delivery Inspection Process.” While my wife and I were sitting in a car dealership and listening to the salesperson explain there is a delay in completing the pre-delivery inspection, […]
Unlocking Potential
Over the past six years, Michael K. Simpson’s Unlocking Potential has helped leaders motivate, inspire, and fully engage their teams. This revised edition, written with Maria Sullivan and Kari Saddler, builds on that powerful foundation for a new generation of leaders. The key is not just managing but coaching—developing the talents of your organization’s most important asset: the […]
Every Second Counts
In 1999, Lance Armstrong made world headlines with the most stunning comeback in the history of sport after battling against life-threatening testicular cancer just eighteen months before returning to professional cycling. His first book, It’s Not About the Bike, charted his journey back to life and went on to become an international bestseller. Now, in […]
Yellow Steel
Extensively illustrated and packed with detailed information on both manufacturers and machines, Yellow Steel knits together the diverse stories of the many companies that created the earthmoving equipment industry – how they began, expanded, retooled, merged, succeeded, and sometimes failed. Their history, a step-by-step linking of need and invention, provides the foundation for virtually all […]
The Science of Success
Praise for THE SCIENCE OF SUCCESS “Evaluating the success of an individual or company is a lot like judging a trapper by his pelts. Charles Koch has a lot of pelts. He has built Koch Industries into the world’s largest privately held company, and this book is an insider’s guide to how he did it. […]
The Three Signs of a Miserable Job
A bestselling author and business guru tells how to improve your job satisfaction and performance. In his sixth fable, bestselling author Patrick Lencioni takes on a topic that almost everyone can relate to: the causes of a miserable job. Millions of workers, even those who have carefully chosen careers based on true passions and interests, […]
The Storm Before the Calm
In his riveting new book, noted forecaster and best-selling author George Friedman turns to the future of the United States. Examining the clear cycles through which the United States has developed, upheaved, matured, and solidified, Friedman breaks down the coming years and decades in thrilling detail. American history must be viewed in cycles – particularly, […]