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68 search results for: Safety


Parts Pondering 2.3

Walking through airports or shopping malls you see a new item – vending machines that sell other than drinks and sweets. Theses vending machines are a new retail opportunity for some suppliers. You can buy electronics, safety items, communications products and accessories and much more. This got me to thinking about our business. Why don’t […]



The prevalent thinking is that a warehouse is strictly a store room. How wrong can we be? I remember visiting a consumer goods distribution center in Chicago and watching in awe. The order pickers were given a days work when they arrived and told they could leave when they had finished. There was another visit to […]


Parts Pondering v1.6

There has been a conflict within several suppliers regarding stock orders. Should we offer daily stock orders? Should we allow stock orders weekly or some other frequency? Let’s examine the basics. The lead time, the replenishment of an inventory, contains in it the time that exists between stock order cycles.  If the stock orders happen […]


Parts Pondering v1.5

For some time now there has been a new channel to consider for specific parts in the parts business. Let me introduce you to the Kiosk. Walk through most airports today and you will find kiosks selling electronics and items such as vitamins and other related health items. Now let’s look at our parts business. […]


Parts Ponderings v1.2

Last week we talked about the Equipment Parts Store – EPS. These stores were going to be modeled after the NAPA stores. They would have a pleasant instore merchandising area, a customer meet and greet area, a self-service kiosk for customers to surf the internet and place orders, a small warehouse area with fast moving […]


Proactive Parts Programs

For some time I have pushed to turn the parts department into a sales force. In many cases this is a terrifying thought. The counter and telephone sales personnel are scared to make outbound phone calls. However, there is another device you can use to see if they can sell or not. Sell boot or […]


Service Strategies

The service department is a much misunderstood group of highly skilled prefessionals. One of these days they will get the appreication they deserve but in the meantime we need to continue to raise the bar on their performance and image. One of the methods we could use would be to track quality. each week that […]


Service Technicians

The complaints are still out there- “I can’t find any experienced equipment technicians.” Isn’t it obvious by now that anyone worth anything that has experience is going to be working already? If there is a technician available and they apply for work I am sure that you will give them a very thorough interview and […]